
Queue javascript objects dynamically then process the queue according to the appender.
Included tag appenders:
- all - synchronous - process all added objects.
- func_all - synchronous - process custom functions to added objects.
- top_one - synchronous - process only the object in the 0(zero) position of the process array.
- bottom_one - synchronous - process only the object in the last position of the process array.
- sync_all - synchronous - All appenders are synchronous now. Sync_all is no different than all .
- status - synchronous - queue and process all objects by status.
- version - synchronous - queue and process all objects by version.
npm install QueueObj
Mocha Test
npm test
General Setup Test
npm run test_all
npm run test_top_one
npm run test_bottom_one
npm run test_func_all
npm run test_sync_all
npm run test_status
npm run test_version
var colors = require('colors')
var queue = require("queueobj");
class test1 {
constructor() {
this.id = 100
this.process = this.process.bind(this)
process(callback) {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`processing test1`.cyan)
console.log(`some async process`)
callback({success: {msg: `processing all (${this.id})`}})
}, 3000)
class test2 {
constructor() {
this.id = 200
this.process = this.process.bind(this)
process(callback) {
let msg = `some kinda problem here in id(${this.id})`
callback({success: {msg: `processing all (${this.id})}`}})
ping() {
console.log('hello from test2'.rainbow)
class test3 {
constructor() {
this.id = 300
this.process = this.process.bind(this)
process(callback) {
callback({success: {msg: `processing all (${this.id})}`}})
class test4 {
constructor() {
let t = this
t.id = 400
t.custom_function = t.custom_function.bind(this)
custom_function(callback) {
let msg = `custom func problem here id(${this.id})`
setTimeout(() => {
callback({success: {msg: `processing all (${this.id})}`}})
}, 3000)
let tst4 = new test4()
let qObj = new queue(), props = { appender: 'sync_all' }
qObj.load(props).add(new test1()).add(new test2()).add(new test3()).add(tst4.custom_function)
qObj.process().then(res => {
console.log(`success with all sync processing: (${JSON.stringify(res)})`.bold.italic.green)
}, err => {
console.log(`errors with all sync processing: (${JSON.stringify(err)})`.red)