Rabbit Queue
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This module is based on WRabbit
and jackrabbit.
It makes rabbitmq managemnent and integration easy. Provides an abstraction layer
above amqplib.
It is written in typescript and requires node v6.0.0 or higher. If you want to use it
with an older version please dowload the sources and build them with target (/ts/tsconfig.json
const {Rabbit} = require('rabbit-queue');
const rabbit = new Rabbit('amqp://localhost');
rabbit.createQueue('queueName', { durable: false }, (msg, ack) => {
}).then(() => console.log('queue created'));
rabbit.publish('queueName', { test: 'data' }, { correlationId: '1' })
.then(() => console.log('message published'));
rabbit.getReply('queueName', { test: 'data' }, { correlationId: '1' })
.then((reply) => console.log('received reply', reply));
Binding to topics
const {Rabbit} = require('rabbit-queue');
const rabbit = new Rabbit('amqp://localhost');
await rabbit.createQueue('queueName', { durable: false }, (msg, ack) => {
}).then(() => console.log('queue created'));
await rabbit.bindToExchange('queueName', 'amq.topic', 'routingKey');
//shortcut await rabbit.bindToTopic('queueName', 'routingKey');
await rabbit.publishExchange('amq.topic', 'routingKey', { test: 'data' }, { correlationId: '1' })
.then(() => console.log('message published'));
//shortcut await rabbit.publishTopic( 'routingKey', { test: 'data' }, { correlationId: '1' });
Advanced Usage with BaseQueueHandler (will add to dlq after 3 failed retries)
const rabbit = new Rabbit('amqp://localhost');
class DemoHandler extends BaseQueueHandler {
handle({msg, event, correlationId, startTime}) {
console.log('Received: ', event);
console.log('With correlation id: ' + correlationId);
afterDlq({msg, event}) {
// Something to do after added to dlq
new DemoHandler('demoQueue', rabbit,
retries: 3,
retryDelay: 1000,
logEnabled: true, //log queue processing time
logger: log4js.getLogger('[demoQueue]') // logging in debug, warn and error.
rabbit.publish('demoQueue', { test: 'data' }, { correlationId: '4' });
The tests are set up with Docker + Docker-Compose,
so you don't need to install rabbitmq (or even node) to run them:
npm run test-docker