⚡ Use Radar SDKs and APIs to add location context to your apps with just a few lines of code. ⚡
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🚀 Installation and Usage
With npm
Note: The Radar JS SDK has a peer dependency on maplibre-gl-js.
Add the radar-sdk-js
and maplibre-gl
npm install --save radar-sdk-js maplibre-gl
yarn add radar-sdk-js maplibre-gl
Then import as an ES Module in your project
import Radar from 'radar-sdk-js';
import 'radar-sdk-js/dist/radar.css'
Radar.initialize('prj_test_pk_...', { });
In your html
The MapLibre dependency is not necessary to install when using installation with the script tag.
Add the following script in your html
<script src="https://js.radar.com/v4.4.9-beta.0/radar.min.js"></script>
Then initialize the Radar SDK
<script type="text/javascript">
Radar.initialize('prj_test_pk_...', { });
Create a map
To create a map, first initialize the Radar SDK with your publishable key. Then specify the HTML element where you want to render the map, by providing the element's ID, or the element object itself.
<link href="https://js.radar.com/v4.4.9-beta.0/radar.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://js.radar.com/v4.4.9-beta.0/radar.min.js"></script>
<div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;" />
<script type="text/javascript">
const map = Radar.ui.map({
container: 'map',
Remember to provide a width
and height
on the element the map is being rendered to
Create an autocomplete input
To create an autocomplete input, first initialize the Radar SDK with your publishable key. Then specify the HTML element where you want to render the input.
<link href="https://js.radar.com/v4.4.9-beta.0/radar.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://js.radar.com/v4.4.9-beta.0/radar.min.js"></script>
<div id="autocomplete"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
container: 'autocomplete',
responsive: true,
width: '600px',
onSelection: (result) => {
To power geofencing experiences on the web, use the Track API to grab the user's current location for geofence and event detection.
<link href="https://js.radar.com/v4.4.9-beta.0/radar.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://js.radar.com/v4.4.9-beta.0/radar.min.js"></script>
Radar.trackOnce({ userId: 'example-user-id' })
.then(({ location, user, events }) => {
See more examples and usage in the Radar web SDK documentation here.
🔗 Other links
📫 Support
Have questions? We're here to help! Email us at support@radar.com.