RedwoodJS Admin Panel Generator
Standing in the Redwood app you want to generate an admin panel for you just
run npx -y radmin-free@latest <path-to-admin-panel>
cd ./existing-rw-project
npx -y radmin-free@latest ../project-admin
Guiding Principles
- It should be easy to regenerate the admin panel when the db schema changes
- Admin panel customizations should live separate from the generated code so that no customizations are lost when the panel is regenerated
- Getting started should always be as easy as just running a single command. No initial setup or configuration should be needed
- There should be three levels of customizations:
- None: The default, and always preferred. Radmin should always provide good defaults
- Schema comments: Simple customizations are done by adding triple-slash meta comments to the schema.prisma file
- Code: For scenarios where meta comments aren't enough proper TS code should be used to customize Radmin.
Customize Your Admin Panel
Known Limitations
Node version
Needs Node 16.7 (released 18-Aug-2021) or later because of use of fs.cpSync
Compound IDs
Radmin doesn't support compound IDs yet.
This will not work
model CategoryToProduct {
product Product @relation(fields: [productId], references: [id])
productId String @db.Uuid
category Category @relation(fields: [categoryId], references: [id])
categoryId Int
@@id([productId, categoryId])
You'll have to add an id
key, and make the compound id a compound unique
constraint instead
model CategoryToProduct {
id String @id @default(dbgenerated("gen_random_uuid()")) @db.Uuid
product Product @relation(fields: [productId], references: [id])
productId String @db.Uuid
category Category @relation(fields: [categoryId], references: [id])
categoryId Int
@@unique([productId, categoryId])
If you do it exactly like that you should be able to migrate your DB without losing any data
Prisma Generators
If you have additional prisma generators defined in your schema, radmin will error out when you run it.
The solution is to manually install the generators in the admin project, and then rerun radmin.