prefixCls | String | rc-picker | prefixCls of this component |
className | String | '' | additional css class of root dom node |
style | React.CSSProperties | | additional style of root dom node |
dropdownClassName | String | '' | additional className applied to dropdown |
dropdownAlign | Object:alignConfig of dom-align | | value will be merged into placement's dropdownAlign config |
popupStyle | React.CSSProperties | | customize popup style |
transitionName | String | '' | css class for animation |
locale | Object | import from 'rc-picker/lib/locale/en_US' | rc-picker locale |
inputReadOnly | Boolean | false | set input to read only |
allowClear | Boolean | false | whether show clear button |
autoFocus | Boolean | false | whether auto focus |
showTime | Boolean | Object | showTime options | to provide an additional time selection |
picker | time | date | week | month | year | | control which kind of panel should be shown |
format | String | String[] | depends on whether you set timePicker and your locale | use to format/parse date(without time) value to/from input. When an array is provided, all values are used for parsing and first value for display |
use12Hours | Boolean | false | 12 hours display mode |
value | moment | | current value like input's value |
defaultValue | moment | | defaultValue like input's defaultValue |
open | Boolean | false | current open state of picker. controlled prop |
suffixIcon | ReactNode | | The custom suffix icon |
clearIcon | ReactNode | | The custom clear icon |
prevIcon | ReactNode | | The custom prev icon |
nextIcon | ReactNode | | The custom next icon |
superPrevIcon | ReactNode | | The custom super prev icon |
superNextIcon | ReactNode | | The custom super next icon |
disabled | Boolean | false | whether the picker is disabled |
placeholder | String | | picker input's placeholder |
getPopupContainer | function(trigger) | | to set the container of the floating layer, while the default is to create a div element in body |
onChange | Function(date: moment, dateString: string) | | a callback function, can be executed when the selected time is changing |
onOpenChange | Function(open:boolean) | | called when open/close picker |
onFocus | (evnet:React.FocusEventHandler) => void | | called like input's on focus |
onBlur | (evnet:React.FocusEventHandler) => void | | called like input's on blur |