React context store
A two way binding mechanism that uses React context as a storage machanism.
For small to medium sized apps I found redux to be a bit heavy for what it achieved. In reality, most of the time I want to create a simple website that blocks the form submit as a network call is being processed.
Basic usage
The following documentation has been copied out of a test case. If you find that it's not working, please check the test case. This example is an array but you can also use maps, or store a non-indexable type.
First create the context store
import React, { PropsWithChildren } from "react";
import {
} from "@tesla/react-context-store";
export type Item = {
id: number,
name: string,
type ContextStoreDataArray = Array<Item>;
export type GetAllParams = ContextStoreDataArray;
export interface ContextValue extends ContextStore<ContextStoreDataArray> {
getAll: (params: GetAllParams) => Promise<ContextStoreDataArray>;
const defaultValue: ContextValue = {
data: [],
getAll: getNotImplementedPromise,
state: "unsent",
export const Context = React.createContext(defaultValue);
export type ApiProviderProps = PropsWithChildren<{}>;
export function ApiProvider(props: ApiProviderProps) {
const { children } = props;
const [
] = useIndexableContextStore(defaultValue);
const getAll = useUpdateFactory({
action: (params: GetAllParams) => {
return await fetchList(params);
return (
value={{ ...contextValue, getAll }}
Somewhere in your app, setup the shared provider
import { ApiProvider, Context } from "../context";
import { List } from "./component";
export function App() {
return (
<List />
And finally consume the context
import { ApiProvider, Context } from "../context";
export function List() {
const { data, getAll, state } = useContext(Context);
useEffect(() => {
switch (state) {
case "error":
return <div>Oh no!</div>;
case "success":
return (
{ => {
const { id, name } = item;
return <li key={id}>{name}</li>;
return <div>Loading</div>;
For more examples, take a look at our extensive testing suite.
There are two types of store hooks both of which return the current store contents and the available modifiers.
- useContextStore - For non-indexable stores like objects and primatives
- useIndexableContextStore - For indexable stores like maps or arrays
- useStatefulIndexableContextStore - For indexable stores but when you want to maintain separate load states per item than the list of items
Both come with the following modifiers:
- useUpdateFactory - Used to modify all the values in the store at once. Useful for getAll, deleteAll, modifyAll, etc.
- setContextData - Used to create custom modifiers if for some reason you don't like ours.
They also have the same states:
- unsent - No modifier has acted upon the data
- loading - The modifier has been invoked but the action hasn't completed yet
- success - The action was successful and the data has been updated
- error - The action failed
The useIndexableContextStore
has an additional update methods that affect individual items each of which have their own state:
- useUpdateOneFactory - Used to create an updater which modifies an existing entry - PUT calls
- useCreateOneFactory - Used to create a creator which creates a new entry - GET and POST calls.
- useDeleteOneFactory - Used to create a deletor which removes an entry - DELETE call
The useStatefulIndexableContextStore
has the same methods as above however each item in the index will have a load state. When any of the use___OneFactory
functions are used, the list's load state doesn't change however the individual item's load state does.