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JavaScript library for working with Date and Time in different calendars and locals

  • 1.1.4
  • Source
  • npm
  • Socket score

Version published

React Date Object

supported calendars: gregorian , persian , arabic , indian default: gregorian

supported locals: en , fa , ar , hi default: en

NodeJs: date-object

1- Install


npm install react-date-object --save


yarn add react-date-object

2- Usage

import DateObject from "react-date-object";

var dateObject = new DateObject();

3- static properties

3-1- calendars

returns supported calendars


3-2- locals

returns supported locals

  EN: 'EN',
  FA: 'FA', //farsi - persian
  AR: 'AR', //arabic
  HI: 'HI'  //hindi - indian

4- Examples

4-1- new instance

4-1-1- String (year month day hour minute second millisecond meridiem)

var date = new DateObject("2020 8 21 11 55 36 100 am");

date.format("YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.SSS a"); //2020/08/21 11:55:36.100 am

date = new DateObject("2020/08/01");

date.format("YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.SSS a"); //2020/08/01 12:00:00.000 am

4-1-2- Number (unix time in milliseconds)

var date = new DateObject(1597994736000);

date.format("dddd DD MMMM @ hh:mm:ss.SSS a"); //Friday 21 August @ 11:55:36.000 am

4-1-3- JavaScript Date

var $date = new Date(2019, 8, 20);

var date = new DateObject($date);

date.format(); //2019/09/20

4-1-4- DateObject

var $date = new DateObject("2019/09/20");

var date = new DateObject($date);

date.format(); //2019/09/20

4-1-5- Object

  date: String , Number(unix time in milliseconds), JavaScript Date or DateObject, //default new Date()
  calendar: `gregorian`, `persian` or `arabic`, //default `gregorian`
  local: `en`, `fa` or `ar`, //default `en`
  format: `String` //default `YYYY/MM/DD`

var date = new DateObject({
  date: new Date(),
  calendar: "gregorian",
  local: "en",

date.format(); //2020/08/21

date = new DateObject({
  date: new Date(),
  calendar: "persian",
  local: "fa",

date.format(); //۱۳۹۹/۰۵/۳۱

date = new DateObject({
  date: "31 Mordad 1399",
  calendar: "persian",
  local: "en",
  format: "DD MMMM YYYY",

date.format(); //31 Mordad 1399
  year: Number,
  month: Number,
  day: Number,
  hour: Number, //default 0
  minute: Number, //default 0
  second: Number, //default 0
  millisecond: Number, //default 0
  calendar: `gregorian`, `persian` or `arabic`, //default `gregorian`
  local: `en`, `fa` or `ar`, //default `en`
  format: String //default `YYYY/MM/DD`

var date = new DateObject({
  year: 2020,
  month: 8,
  day: 21,
  hour: 12,
  minute: 20,
  second: 36,
  milisecond: 152,
  format: "dddd DD MMMM YYYY",

date.format(); //Friday 21 August 2020

date = new DateObject({
  year: 1399,
  month: 5,
  day: 31,
  calendar: "persian",
  local: "en",
  format: "dddd DD MMMM YYYY",

date.format(); //Jomeh 31 Mordad 1399

date = new DateObject({
  year: 1399,
  month: 5,
  day: 31,
  calendar: "persian",
  local: "fa",
  format: "dddd DD MMMM YYYY",

date.format(); //جمعه ۳۱ مرداد ۱۳۹۹

4-2- convert(calendar:String)

if you use the convert method without argument, the date will be converted to Gregorian calendar.

var date = new DateObject(); //2020/10/31

date.convert(DateObject.calendars.PERSIAN); //1399/08/10 or date.convert("persian")
date.convert(DateObject.calendars.ARABIC); //1442/03/14 or date.convert("arabic")
date.convert(DateObject.calendars.INDIAN); //1942/08/09 or date.convert("indian")
date.convert(DateObject.calendars.GREGORIAN); //2020/10/31 or date.convert()

4-3- format(token:String)

default format is YYYY/MM/DD to see all format types click here

var date = new DateObject();

date.format(); //2020/10/31
date.format("MM/DD/YYYY"); //10/31/2020
date.format("MMM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss"); //Oct/31/2020 18:17:28
date.format("dddd DD MMMM YYYY, hh:mm:ss A"); //Saturday 31 October 2020, 06:19:18 PM
date.format("ddd DD MMM YYYY, hh:mm a"); //Sat 31 Oct 2020, 06:20 pm

formatting with ignore list:

var date = new DateObject();

date.format("hours:HH minutes:mm seconds:ss", ["hours", "minutes", "seconds"]); //hours:12 minutes:22 seconds:40
date.format("it's HH o'clock", ["it's", "o'clock"]); //it's 12 o'clock
date.format(`DD MMMM at hh:mm ${date.hour >= 12 ? "Afternoon" : "Morning"}`, [
]); //11 November at 12:22 Afternoon

4-4- setter methods

var date = new DateObject();

  .setFormat("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS")

date.format(); //2020-09-21 12:20:14.200

  .setFormat("dddd DD MMMM YYYY");

date.format(); //Jomeh 21 Azar 1399

date.setDate(new Date(2020, 9, 27)).format(); //Tuesday 27 October 2020 (calendar is set to gregorian)

  .setDate(new DateObject({ calendar: "indian", year: 1942, month: 8, day: 5 })) //format is set based on given DateObject (default:YYYY/MM/DD)
  .format(); //1942/08/05

4-5- get and set

var date = new DateObject();

date.format(); //2020/08/21

date.year += 2;
date.month += 2; += 2;
date.hour += 2;
date.minute += 2;
date.second += 2;
date.millisecond += 2;

date.format(); //2022/10/23


 *  {
 *    name: 'October',
 *    shortName: 'Oct',
 *    length: 31,
 *    index: 9,
 *    number: 10,
 *    toString: [Function (anonymous)]
 *  }


 * {
 *   name: 'Sunday',
 *   shortName: 'Sun',
 *   index: 0,
 *   number: 1,
 *   toString: [Function (anonymous)]
 * }

console.log(`${} ${date.year}/${date.month}/${}`); //Sunday 2022/10/23

date.year = 2020;
date.month = 8; = 21;

date.isLeap; //true
date.isValid; //true
date.isUTC; //false; //August
date.month.length; //31
date.month.index; //7
date.month.number; //8; //Friday
date.weekDay.index; //5
date.weekDay.number; //6

date.dayOfBeginning; //737658
date.dayOfYear; //234
date.daysLeft; //132
date.weekOfYear; //34
date.unix; //1597951800 (unix time in seconds)

date.weekDays; // array [{ name: 'Sunday', shortName: 'Sun', ...}]
date.months; //array [{ name: 'January', shortName: 'Jan', ...}]
date.leaps; //array [4,   8,  12,  16,  20,...]

4-6- parse(date:String)

Remember that parsing date is based on the format you set

var date = new DateObject();

date._format = "dddd DD MMMM YYYY";

date.parse("Monday 24 August 2020");
date.format("YYYY/MM/DD"); //2020/08/24

date.parse("Friday 07 August 2020");
date.format("YYYY-MM-DD"); //2020-08-07

date.format(); //1399/06/03

date.setFormat("YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm").parse("1399/06/03 12:32");
date.format("dddd DD MMMM @ hh:mm a"); //Doshanbeh 03 Shahrivar @ 12:32 am

4-7- getProperty

let date = new DateObject({
  calendar: "arabic",
  date: "1442/01/01",
  local: "ar",

date.getProperty("M"); //1
date.format("M"); //١

typeof date.getProperty("D"); //number
typeof date.format("D"); //string

Number(date.getProperty("YYYY")); //1442
Number(date.format("YYYY")); //NaN

4-8- add(duration:Number or String,type:String)

var date = new DateObject("2020/10/07 5:35:24 pm");

date.setFormat("YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.SSS");

date.add(2, "years").format(); //2022/10/07 05:35:24.000
date.add("1", "month").format(); //2022/11/07 05:35:24.000
date.add(3, "d").format(); //2022/11/10 05:35:24.000
date.add(-4, "hours").format(); //2022/11/10 01:35:24.000
date.add(1, "minute").format(); //2022/11/10 01:36:24.000
date.add("-20", "s").format(); //2022/11/10 01:36:04.000
date.add(100, "milliseconds").format(); //2022/11/10 01:36:04.100

4-9- set method

4-9-1 set(key:String,value:Any)

var date = new DateObject(); //2020/10/31

date.set("year", 2021); //2021/10/31
date.set("month", 1); //2021/01/31
date.set("day", 7); //2021/01/07
date.set("format", "MM/DD/YYYY"); //01/07/2021
date.set("calendar", "indian"); //10/17/1942
date.set("local", "hi"); //१०/१७/१९४२
date.set("date", new DateObject({ calendar: "persian", local: "en" })); //1399/08/10
date.set("date", new Date()); //2020/10/31 (calendar is set to gregorian)

4-9-2 set(object)

var date = new DateObject(); //2020/10/31

date.set({ calendar: "persian", format: "dddd DD MMMM YYYY" }); //Shanbeh 10 Aban 1399
date.set({ calendar: "gregorian", year: 2020, month: 11, day: 12 }); //Saturday 12 December 2020
date.set(new DateObject().toObject()); //2020/10/31

4-10- toUTC()

let date = new Date(); //Wed Oct 14 2020 11:12:18 GMT+0330

let dateObject = new DateObject({
  calendar: "arabic",
  format: "ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss",
}); //Arb, 26 Sa 1442 11:12:18

dateUTC      : ${date.toUTCString()}
arabicUTC    : ${dateObject.toUTC().toString()}
gregorianUTC : ${dateObject.convert().toString()}

 * dateUTC      : Wed, 14 Oct 2020 07:42:18 GMT
 * arabicUTC    : Arb, 26 Sa 1442 07:42:18
 * gregorianUTC : Wed, 14 Oct 2020 07:42:18

4-11- custom months & week days

See the example below in case you want to use your personal names instead of default names of months and week days

var date = new DateObject();

date.format("MMMM MMM"); //November Nov
date.format("dddd ddd"); //Monday Mon

date.months = [
  ["jan", "j"], //[["name","shortName"], ... ]
  ["feb", "f"],
  ["mar", "m"],
  ["apr", "a"],
  ["may", "m"],
  ["jun", "j"],
  ["jul", "j"],
  ["aug", "a"],
  ["sep", "s"],
  ["oct", "o"],
  ["nov", "n"],
  ["dec", "d"],

date.weekDays = [
  ["su", "s"], //[["name","shortName"], ... ]
  ["mo", "m"],
  ["tu", "t"],
  ["we", "w"],
  ["th", "t"],
  ["fr", "f"],
  ["sa", "s"],

date.format("MMMM MMM"); //nov n
date.format("dddd ddd"); //mo m


 * length: 30,
 * name: 'nov',
 * shortName: 'n',
 * index: 10,
 * number: 11,
 * toString: [Function (anonymous)]


 * index: 1,
 * number: 2,
 * toString: [Function: toString],
 * name: 'mo',
 * shortName: 'm'

You can use date.setMonths(months).setWeekDays(weekDays) as well

4-12- other methods

var date = new DateObject();

date.toFirstOfWeek(); //2020/08/16
date.toFirstOfMonth(); //2020/08/01
date.toFirstOfYear(); //2020/01/01
date.toFirstWeekOfYear(); //2020/01/05
date.toLastOfMonth(); //2020/01/31
date.toLastOfWeek(); //2020/02/01
date.toLastOfYear(); //2020/12/31
date.toLastWeekOfYear(); //2020/12/27

date.toString(); //2020/12/27
date.toDate(); //instanceof Date
date.toUnix(); //1609054714 (unix time in seconds)
date.toJulianDay(); //2459210
 *    year: 2020,
 *    month: {
 *        length: 31,
 *        name: 'December',
 *        shortName: 'Dec',
 *        index: 11,
 *        number: 12,
 *        toString: [Function (anonymous)]
 *    },
 *    day: 27,
 *    weekDay: {
 *        index: 0,
 *        number: 1,
 *        toString: [Function: toString],
 *        name: 'Sunday',
 *        shortName: 'Sun'
 *    },
 *    hour: 11,
 *    minute: 8,
 *    second: 34,
 *    millisecond: 724,
 *    weekOfYear: 52,
 *    dayOfYear: 362,
 *    daysLeft: 4,
 *    calendar: 'gregorian',
 *    local: 'en',
 *    format: 'YYYY/MM/DD'

date.toJSON(); //same as toObject()


new DateObject(date.toJSON()).format(); //2020/12/27

4-13 valueOf()

returns unix time in milliseconds

var gregorian = new DateObject();
var persian = new DateObject({ date: gregorian, calendar: "persian" });
var arabic = new DateObject({ date: gregorian, calendar: "arabic" });
var indian = new DateObject({ date: gregorian, calendar: "indian" });

console.log(gregorian.valueOf(), gregorian.format()); //1604824018304 2020/11/08
console.log(persian.valueOf(), persian.format()); //1604824018304 1399/08/18
console.log(indian.valueOf(), indian.format()); //1604824018304 1942/08/17
console.log(arabic.valueOf(), arabic.format()); //1604824018304 1442/03/22

console.log(persian - gregorian === 0); //true

4-14- using calendars, format & locals

var date = new DateObject({ calendar: "gregorian", format: "dddd DD MMMM" });

date.format(); //Friday 21 August

date.calendar = "persian"; //Jomeh 31 Mordad
date.local = "fa"; //جمعه 31 مرداد
date._format = "YY/MM/DD"; //۹۹/۰۵/۳۱

date.setCalendar("gregorian").setLocal("en"); //20/08/21

date = new DateObject(new Date());

date.convert("persian").format(); //1399/05/31
date.convert("arabic").format(); //1442/01/02

5- format types

TypeExampleDescriptionAvailability (Parse /Format)
YYYY2020full yearboth
YY202 digits yearboth
MMMMDecembermonth nameboth
MMMDecmonth short nameboth
MM03, 09, 10, ...2 digits month numberboth
M3, 9, 10, ...month numberboth
DDDD09day of yearformat
DDD9day of yearformat
DD03, 09, 10, 17, ...2 digits day of monthboth
D3, 9 ,10, 17day of monthboth
WW01, 03, 24, 33, ...week of yearformat
W1, 3, 24. 33, ...week of yearformat
ddddSaturday, Sunday, Monday, ...week day nameformat
dddSat, Sun, Mon, ...week day short nameformat
dd01,02,...,072 digits week day numberformat
d1,2,...,7week day numberformat
HH03, 09, 10, 17,...2 digits hour (24 hour mode)both
H3, 9, 10, 17,...hour (24 hour mode)both
hh03, 09, 10, 17,...2 digits hour (12 hour mode)both
h3, 9, 10, 17,...hour (12 hour mode)both
mm03, 09, 10, 17,...2 digits minuteboth
m3, 9, 10, 17,...minuteboth
ss03, 09, 10, 17,...2 digits secondboth
s3, 9, 10, 17,...secondboth
SSS1003 digits millisecondboth
SS102 digits millisecondboth
S11 digit millisecondboth
aammeridiem lowercaseboth



Package last updated on 02 Dec 2020

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