What is react-dom?
The react-dom package provides DOM-specific methods that can be used at the top level of a web app to enable an efficient way of managing DOM elements in response to data changes. It is a companion package to React that facilitates rendering components to the DOM and interacting with the DOM tree.
What are react-dom's main functionalities?
Rendering React Elements
This feature allows you to render a React element into the DOM in the supplied container and return a reference to the component (or returns null for stateless components).
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>,
Component Lifecycle Management
react-dom manages the lifecycle of components, including mounting, updating, and unmounting components.
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
// Code to run when the component is mounted
componentWillUnmount() {
// Code to run before the component is unmounted and destroyed
Handling Events
react-dom provides a synthetic event system that wraps the native event system, providing a cross-browser interface to native events.
function MyComponent() {
function handleClick(e) {
console.log('The link was clicked.');
return (
<a href="#" onClick={handleClick}>
Click me
Server-side Rendering
react-dom/server provides methods for rendering components to static markup (typically used on the server) such as renderToString and renderToStaticMarkup.
<MyComponent />
Portals provide a way to render children into a DOM node that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component.
Other packages similar to react-dom
Preact is a fast 3kB alternative to React with the same modern API. It provides similar functionalities for rendering UIs but with a smaller footprint, making it a good choice for performance-sensitive applications.
Inferno is an extremely fast, React-like library for building high-performance user interfaces on both the client and server. It offers a similar component-based UI building experience but focuses on performance optimizations.
This package is part of the Vue ecosystem and provides server-side rendering capabilities similar to react-dom/server. It's used to render Vue components on the server and send the static markup to the client.