Create flows of helpful prompts in your react application.
This library is intended to pop up help for the user while they use the app.
(In contrast to the common "tour based" help libraries, which "show your user the app in action" while they click "Next".)
The app interaction is intended to be minimally intrusive in the app codebase.
The app interacts primarily by registering elements as "help targets", and calling a callback to indicate that the target has been used.
Help Items and their Flows are specified in a separate JSX tree.
V 0.2.1 - Very basic implementation of the concept.
Demo at
Things to do:
Set props on Items to select the placement relative to the target
Have the standard Help Item layout be more "callout like", so it indicates clearly what the target is.
Be able to style the target to show that it is the target (drop-shadow or similar)
This library was packaged following
It turns out this might not have been the best choice of packaging guide. The current packaging seems to work, but is non-standard (does not include the source) and cumbersome (manually copying CSS for example).