A simple React
SVG country flags component: it works with React Css Modules
(default) or standard Css
React Flag Icon Css is distributed as an npm package.
We recommend installing and managing npm
packages with yarn
$ yarn add react-flag-icon-css
otherwise with npm
$ npm install --save react-flag-icon-css
We recommend using the Webpack 2
module bundler and ecosystem to assemble your app.
You will need to install and configure a few commonly used packages for Webpack
(see the Webpack 2 example project):
$ yarn add -D babel-loader css-loader file-loader style-loader extract-text-webpack-plugin
otherwise with npm
$ npm install --save-dev ...
Basic usage
Import the factory from react-flag-icon-css
, it accepts the React
module as the first argument and creates the FlagIcon
component. This approach ensures that FlagIcon
uses your app's React
instance, avoiding issues such as two versions of React
being loaded at the same time.
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import FlagIconFactory from 'react-flag-icon-css'
const FlagIcon = FlagIconFactory(React)
const App = (props = {}) =>
<FlagIcon code={props.code} size={props.size} />
const rootEL = document.body.querySelector('#app')
const appProps = { code: 'it', size: '3x' }
ReactDOM.render(<App {...appProps} />, rootEL)
A Webpack 2 example project is available.
:flags: FlagIcon props
Prop | Type | Flow Type | Default | Description | Supported values |
code * | String | FlagIconCodeType | | ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code | The list is here |
size | String | FlagIconSizeType | | | lg, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x |
flip | String | FlagIconFlipType | | | horizontal, vertical |
rotate | Number | FlagIconRotateType | | | 30, 60, 90, 180, 270 |
squared | Boolean | | false | | |
Component | String | | span | | e.g span , div |
Children | String | React$Element<*> | | React element | e.g <Something /> |
Remember to always build FlagIcon
with its factory.
:factory: FlagIconFactory
Argument | Type | Flow Type | Description | Supported values |
React * | Module | ReactModule | Your app's React instance | Versions in peerDependencies |
options | Object | FlagIconOptionsType | | |
Runtime type checking: in development mode (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
), when using unsupported props or prop values, you are warned at runtime by Failed prop type errors in the browser console. Feature powered by prop-types
Static type checking: if you use Facebook's flow
in your app (otherwise you can skip this section, unless you want to submit a PR), it should automatically pick up this package's definitions from the .js.flow
files that are distributed with it, checking your code accordingly when you run yarn flow
. Using the latest Flow
version or the version in ./package.json
is recommended. We also recommend using a Flow
-aware editor such as Nuclide
for Atom
Contributions are welcome:
:pencil2: Write code: use a topic branch, follow the AngularJS commit style guidelines and check that yarn prepublish
(build, test, type checking, linting ...) returns zero errors before opening a PR. If you want to make major modifications to the code, please open an issue to discuss them first.
:bug: Report a bug: first, search all issues. If nothing turns up, open a new issue and be as specific as possible, so that we can reproduce your setup and find out if it is a bug or a configuration issue.
:triangular_ruler: Propose a feature: first, search all issues. If nothing turns up, open a new issue and describe what the proposed feature should do, why you think it is important and an example use case.
Thanks! :blue_heart:
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Source of the flags
This project uses the great SVG country flags from flag-icon-css.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.