React Native module bridge to iOS MFMessageComposeViewController
composeMessageWithArgs(args, callback)
This method launches a MFMessageComposeViewController and populates any values supplied from the args object.
The args object is required and lets you prepopulate the MFMessageComposeViewController for the user. You can use the following parameters:
recipients - an array of strings
subject - string
messageText - string
attachments - an array of objects
presentAnimated - boolean (animate the appearance of the message composer - true by default)
dismissAnimated - boolean (animate the closing of the message composer - true by default)
attachments array:
url: 'http://...',
typeIdentifier: 'public.jpeg',
filename: 'pic.jpg',
The url can be a web url to an image, video etc but be careful as by default http urls will not work without making changes to the info.plist in the native project. The url can also be a file path on the device, you could for example use to retrieve info on photos stored on the device.
For typeIdentifier
For further info on attachments view
The following shows an example args object
'0123456789', '059847362', '345123987'
'messageText':'Sample message text',
'dismissAnimated': false
All the args parameters are optional. Simply omit any parameter not required from the args object. If you don't want to supply any initial data then set the args object to be empty (e.g. {}).
Messages will be sent as SMS or iMessage (depending on support of recipients phone), unless subject
is supplied, in which case they will be sent as MMS or iMessage (depending on support of recipients phone, and user having turned on support for Subject on their iOS device).
The callback is required and will return one of four values, letting you know the message sending status. These are accessed via the following class constants:
var Composer = require('NativeModules').RNMessageComposer;
Composer.Sent - the user clicked send and the message has been sent (this does not guarantee delivery, merely that the message sent successfully)
Composer.Failed - the message failed to send for some reason
Composer.Cancelled - user closed the MFMessageComposeViewController by clicking the cancel button
Composer.NotSupported - device does not support sending messages
This method returns a boolean value as a callback indicating whether or not the device supports messaging. This allows you to determine whether or not messaging will work before actually attempting to open a message, and whether you should show/hide certain UI components because of this.
Getting Started
- From inside your project run
npm install react-native-message-composer --save
- In XCode, in the project navigator, right click
➜ Add Files to [your project's name]
- Go to
➜ react-native-message-composer
and add RNMessageComposer.xcodeproj
- In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add
to your project's Build Phases
➜ Link Binary With Libraries
- Click
in the project navigator and go the Build Settings
tab. Make sure 'All' is toggled on (instead of 'Basic'). Look for Header Search Paths
and make sure it contains both $(SRCROOT)/../react-native/React
and $(SRCROOT)/../../React
- mark both as recursive
. - Set up the project to run on your device (iOS simulator does not support sending messages)
- Run your project (
rnpm (react-native link)
- From inside your project run
npm install react-native-message-composer --save
- run
react-native link
Usage Example
import React from 'react';
import Composer from 'react-native-message-composer';
Composer.messagingSupported(supported => {
'messageText':'My sample message body text',
'subject':'My Sample Subject',
'recipients':['0987654321', '0123456789'],
'presentAnimated': true,
'dismissAnimated': false
(result) => {
switch(result) {
case Composer.Sent:
console.log('the message has been sent');
case Composer.Cancelled:
console.log('user cancelled sending the message');
case Composer.Failed:
console.log('failed to send the message');
case Composer.NotSupported:
console.log('this device does not support sending texts');
console.log('something unexpected happened');
Thanks to Kyle Mathews for the idea.