autoCapitalize | string | false | 'none' | Defines input auto capitalization (only use with keyboardType) |
clearTextOnFocus | boolean | false | false | Defines if input text should be cleared on focus |
containerStyles | style (object) | false | none | Styles applied to whole container |
errorMessage | string | false | none | Error message that is displayed above inputs |
errorMessageContainerStyles | style (object) | false | defaultStyles | Styles applied to error message container |
errorMessageTextStyles | style (object) | false | none | Styles applied to error message text |
focusedBorderColor | string | false | #0000ff | borderColor of input when focused |
focusStyles | style (object) | false | none | Styles applied to the input when its focused |
handleChange | function | true | console.log | Returns otp code which is typed in inputs |
inputStyles | style(object) | false | defaultStyles | Styles applied to single input |
inputContainerStyles | style (object) | false | defaultStyles | Styles applied to each input container |
inputsContainerStyles | style (object) | false | defaultStyles | Styles applied to inputs container |
inputTextErrorColor | string | false | #ff0000 | Color of text inside input container when error is passed in |
keyboardType | string | true | 'phone-pad' | Keyboard type for inputs |
numberOfInputs | number | true (1..6) | 4 | How many inputs should be rendered |
secureTextEntry | boolean | false | false | Defines if input will hide text inside |
selectTextOnFocus | boolean | false | true | Defines if input text should be selected on focus |
unfocusedBorderColor | string | false | transparent | borderColor of input when not focused |
testIDPrefix | string | false | otpInput-${inputIndex} | Prefix that will be applied as a testID for each input |