react-md-waves (v. 1.0.0)
react-md-waves is a simple wrapper around Waves that creates reusable
ReactJS components to assist in the development of your new web application!
Getting Started
To begin using react-md-waves
, execute the following NPM command inside your project directory:
$ npm install --save react-md-waves
Once the package is successfully installed, you are free to continue reading to learn how to use
components in your web application.
React Components
is our base component. This component must be added before you may begin using waves in your
HTML content. This component is responsible for calling Waves.init();
and, as such, must be included
at least once in your application.
It is recommended to include one <WaveInit />
at the top-most level of your application, such
as a body container or parent div.
- The duration of the wave effect (in milliseconds) after an element is clicked
- Type:
- Default:
- Delay of showing the waves effect on touch & hide if the user scrolls
- Type:
- Default:
Initialize Waves with default parameters
<WaveInit />
Initialize Wave with duration
set to 1000
milliseconds (1 second)
<WaveInit duration={ 1000 } />
Initialize Waves with duration
set to 1000
milliseconds (1 second) and delay
set to 500
milliseconds (1/2 second)
<WaveInit duration={ 1000 } delay={ 500 } />
Our next and arguably most important component is Wave
. This component is necessary to "attach" your element and
provide it with the wave effect itself.
Effect Properties
- The type of element that this wave will be present. See here for the official guidelines
- Type:
PropTypes.onOf([WaveType.BLOCK, WaveType.BUTTON, WaveType.CIRCLE])
- If set to true, the wave will also provide a "floating" effect on the element
- Type:
- If set to true, the wave will have a light-colored effect rather than the default dark color
- Type:
Effect Examples
Adding a default wave to a div
(set to 100px by 100px and a blue background color)
const divStyle = {
backgroundColor: "blue",
height: "100px",
width: "100px"
<Wave type={ WaveType.BLOCK }>
<div style={ divStyle } />
Adding a wave plus floating effect to a Bootstrap button
<Wave type={ WaveType.BUTTON } float={ true }>
<button type={ "button" } className={ "btn btn-success" }>Button A</button>
Adding a wave, float effect, and light color to a FontAwesome icon
<Wave type={ WaveType.CIRCLE } float={ true } light={ true }>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={ faUser } />
Now that we have an understanding on how we may apply the wave effect to a couple of elements, we will now visit
event handling for our element(s).
Event Properties
- If a function callback is passed, when the element is clicked, this property will be called
- Type:
- Callback:
function(event, waveId)
- Each
<Wave />
component has a generated waveId
. This ID is used for attaching your element to Waves;
however, it is also passed back to your onClick
listener, if one is supplied. As such, you may provide a custom
for better event management. - Type:
- Default: As
is optional, if one is not provided, then react-md-waves
will automatically generate
an ID using the WaveType
supplied and a randomly generate integer
Event Examples
Adding an onClick
listener without a custom waveId
function handleEvent = (event, waveId) => {
console.log("Element with Wave ID " + waveId + " was clicked.");
<Wave type={ WaveType.BUTTON }>
<button type={ "button" } className={ "btn btn-danger" } onClick={ handleEvent }>Don't Click Me</button>
Since no waveId
was provided, when this event is called, its generated ID will be returned instead (eg. WB-19
Adding an onClick
listener with a custom waveId
(using the handleEvent
from above)
<Wave type={ WaveType.BUTTON } onClick={ handleEvent } waveId={ "btnDontClick" }>
Now, since we've supplied our component with a custom waveId
, once handleEvent
is fired, it will pass along
"btnDontClick" in place of waveId
within the function.
Waves is developed and maintained by Alfiana E. Sibuea.
react-md-waves is developed and maintained by James D. Coon.