A pan and zoom component for React, using CSS transformations.
Depends only upon prop-types, react and react-dom modules.
Works on both desktop and mobile.
Online demo here!
Zoom features :mag_right:
- Zoom with the mouse-wheel or a two-finger pinch
- Zoom using double-click or double-tap
- Zoom on selected area and center
Pan features :point_up_2:
- Pan with the mouse pointer or with one finger when zoomed-in
- Intuitive panning depending on available space when zoomed-in
- Adjusts cursor style to indicate in which direction the element can be moved
Install the component
$ npm i -D react-prismazoom
Install the example project
This project includes a full-featured application example.
First clone the project.
Then, install it:
$ npm i
Run the Webpack Dev Server:
$ npm run start
Go to http://localhost:1664.
Note: sources of this example can be found in example/src
Run unit tests
You can either run all tests at once:
$ npm test
Or run tests each time a change on source files occured:
$ npm run watchTest
import PrismaZoom from 'react-prismazoom'
<img src="my-image.png" />
<p>A text that can be zoomed and dragged</p>
Name | Type | Default | Description |
className | string | None | Class name to apply on the zoom wrapper. |
style | object | None | Style to apply on the zoom wrapper. Note that transform, transition, cursor, touch-action and will-change cannot be overridden. Example: style={{backgroundColor: 'red'}} . |
minZoom | number | 1 | Minimum zoom ratio. |
maxZoom | number | 5 | Maximum zoom ratio. |
scrollVelocity | number | 0.1 | Zoom increment or decrement on each scroll wheel detection. |
onZoomChange | function | null | Function called each time the zoom value changes. |
onPanChange | function | null | Function called each time the posX or posY value changes (aka images was panned). |
leftBoundary | number | 0 | Left screen-relative boundary, used to limit panning zone. |
rightBoundary | number | 0 | Right screen-relative boundary, used to limit panning zone. |
topBoundary | number | 0 | Top screen-relative boundary, used to limit panning zone. |
bottomBoundary | number | 0 | Bottom screen-relative boundary, used to limit panning zone. |
animDuration | number | 0.25 | Animation duration (in seconds). |
doubleTouchMaxDelay | number | 300 | Max delay between two taps to consider a double tap (in milliseconds). |
decelerationDuration | number | 750 | Decelerating movement duration after a mouse up or a touch end event (in milliseconds). |
Note: all props are optional.
Public methods
These functions can be called from parent components.
zoomIn (value)
Increments the zoom with the given value.
Param {value: Number} : Zoom value
zoomOut (value)
Decrements the zoom with the given value.
Param {value: Number} : Zoom value
zoomToZone (relX, relY, relWidth, relHeight)
Zoom-in on the specified zone with the given relative coordinates and dimensions.
Param {relX: Number} : Relative X position of the zone left-top corner in pixels
Param {relY: Number} : Relative Y position of the zone left-top corner in pixels
Param {relWidth: Number} : Zone width in pixels
Param {relHeight: Number} : Zone height in pixels
reset ()
Resets the component to its initial state.
getZoom ()
Returns the current zoom value.
Return {Number} : Zone value
React PrismaZoom is licensed under the ISC license. See the file for more details.