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react-querybuilder - npm Package Versions

published 8.3.0 •



[v8.3.0] - 2025-02-21


  • [#855] CSS variables, enabling customization of the default stylesheet without using SCSS.
  • [#855] New option generateIDs for all parse* methods. When true, the output query object will be processed through prepareRuleGroup to add ids.
published 8.2.0 •



[v8.2.0] - 2025-01-28


  • [#845] New formatQuery option operatorProcessor. Currently only applies to "sql", "parameterized", "parameterized_named", and "natural_language" formats.
  • [#846] New formatQuery option preserveValueOrder. Preserves the order of values when exporting rules with "between"/"notBetween" operators, even if the larger value comes first.


  • [#844] The formatQuery "elasticsearch" export format now includes the .value property when outputting Painless scripts.
  • [#845] formatQuery handles combinator and operator values case-insensitively.
  • [#846] convertQuery, convertToIC, and convertFromIC now support the "xor" combinator, as does the "natural_language" export format.
published 8.1.1 •



[v8.1.1] - 2025-01-20


  • [#840] The behavior and list of valid values for the formatQuery option parseNumbers now aligns with the corresponding QueryBuilder prop, as long as a fields array is also provided.
  • [#836] AntDValueSelector now filters on the label property and defines options with the options prop instead of a children array of <Select.OptGroup>/<Select.Option>.
  • [#836] Utilities that determine whether arrays are valid option lists (isFullOptionArray, isFlexibleOptionArray, isFullOptionGroupArray, isFlexibleOptionGroupArray) are now more strict: All leaf elements must conform to the operative type, not just the first element.
  • The "mssql" formatQuery preset now sets paramPrefix: '@'.
published 8.1.0 •



[v8.1.0] - 2025-01-09


  • [#820] New @react-querybuilder/datetime package with enhanced functionality for managing date/time data. Includes rule/value processors for formatQuery tailored to different database platforms and date/time libraries.
  • [#820] formatQuery will assume a format of "sql" if no format is provided as long as preset matches one of the supported values.
  • [#820] New formatQuery option wrapValueWith, an array of two strings to act as a prefix and suffix for values (outside of any quotes).
  • [#820] formatQuery value processors now accept an optional context parameter, which can be used to pass additional information to the processor.
  • [#820] New "mongodb_query" export format. This format is exactly the same as "mongodb" except it returns an actual JSON object instead of a JSON.stringifyd version. The "mongodb" format is deprecated, but will not be removed.
  • [#820] Default SCSS stylesheet query-builder.scss now uses @use instead of the deprecated @import.
  • [#834] React 19 support (verification only, no meaningful code changes were necessary).
published 8.0.0 •



[v8.0.0] - 2024-11-08


  • [#805] @react-querybuilder/chakra now supports Chakra UI version 3 and no longer supports version 2. For Chakra UI version 2 support, use @react-querybuilder/chakra2.
  • [#805] ChakraDragHandle has been removed. In Chakra UI version 3 environments, the default DragHandle component works without augmentation.


  • [#814] Debug build which registers the internal Redux store with Redux DevTools (more "debug" functionality may be added in the future). To use the debug build, update all "react-querybuilder" imports to "react-querybuilder/debug".


  • [#814] The internal Redux store is no longer registered with Redux DevTools by default.
  • bootstrapClassnames no longer includes value: "form-control form-control-sm". The classes are added by BootstrapValueEditor only when necessary.
  • [#812] @react-querybuilder/bulma properly indicates compatibility with Bulma v1 in its peerDependencies, and the website demo now uses Bulma v1.
published 8.0.0-alpha.0 •

published 7.7.1 •



[v7.7.1] - 2024-10-21


  • [#791] The @react-querybuilder/material package uses the TextField component from @mui/material (previous versions used Input). Implementations that preload MUI components may need to be updated.


  • [#791] The extraProps prop of MaterialValueEditor works properly.
  • [#796] FluentShiftActions and TremorShiftActions are now applied by default in their respective compatibility packages.
published 7.7.1-rc.1 •

published 7.7.1-rc.0 •

published 7.7.0 •



[v7.7.0] - 2024-10-08


  • The useValueEditor hook now requires the entire ValueEditorProps object instead of only requiring a subset of the props.


  • [#755] New controlElements properties ruleGroupHeaderElements and ruleGroupBodyElements, enabling customization/replacement/augmentation of the subcomponents within the rule group header and body wrappers without needing to reimplement the entire RuleGroup component.
  • [#785] New prop suppressStandardClassnames. When true, no classes will be added automatically to any elements (custom classes defined in controlClassnames will still be applied). This includes conditional and event-based classes for validation, drag-and-drop, etc.
  • [#785] A "dndCopy" class will be added when drag-and-drop is enabled and the modifier key (Alt or Option ⌥) is pressed while the drag phase begins. When using the default styles, the drag-and-drop indicator line will be green (#669933) instead of rebeccapurple (#663399).
  • [#755] New useQueryBuilderNative hook. Works the same as useQueryBuilder, but tailored for React Native implementations.
  • [#769] The parseNumbers prop now accepts an optional "-limited" suffix on existing string config values "enhanced", "strict", and "native". When the "-limited" suffix is used (e.g., parseNumbers="strict-limited"), values will only be parsed for numericity when the inputType is "number".
  • [#769] formatQuery now accepts an optional concatOperator parameter to support non-standard concatenation methods in the various SQL dialects. The default is the ANSI standard "||", which is supported by PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, and various others, while SQL Server uses "+". A value of "CONCAT" will enable MySQL compatibility by using the CONCAT function (do not use this for Oracle as its CONCAT function is limited).
  • [#769] The toArray method now accepts an optional configuration parameter. If the retainEmptyStrings property of that object is true, the function will not filter out string elements that are empty or purely whitespace.
  • [#769] The object returned from useValueEditor now includes a parseNumberMethod property, which is a processed version of the parseNumbers prop.
  • [#769] formatQuery now accepts an optional preset option as a shortcut to configure the output for improved compatibility with different query language dialects. Options include "ansi", "mssql", "mysql", "oracle", "postgres", and "sqlite".
  • [#769] formatQuery now accepts an optional fieldIdentifierSeparator string. When used in conjunction with the quoteFieldNamesWith option, field names will be separated by this string and bracketed individually per the quoteFieldNamesWith configuration (e.g., [table name].[field name] = 'value' instead of [table name.field name] = 'value').
  • [#786] New formatQuery export format "natural_language", similar to the "sql" or "cel" formats but with English-language operators.


  • [#769] On rules using a "between"/"notBetween" operator, the second value no longer shifts into the first input when the first value is removed.
  • [#769] Type ParseNumbersMethod renamed to ParseNumberMethod (singular) to better reflect its assocation with the parseNumber method as opposed to the parseNumbers prop.
  • [#769] Internally, the default MongoDB rule processor for formatQuery uses actual JSON objects instead of manually constructing JSON.parse-able strings. This should lead to more reliably valid results.
  • [#769] When generating SQL for a rule where (1) the operator is "between" or "notBetween", (2) the values are numeric, and (3) parseNumbers is true, formatQuery will place the smaller value first and the larger value second, regardless of their order in the rule's value property.
  • [#779] When parseJSONata encounters an expression group where only two conditions exist for the same field, one greater-than and one less-than, a single "between"/"notBetween" rule will be generated. Previously a rule group with two separate rules would be generated.
  • [#783] MantineValueSelector no longer sets the value to "" when clicking the selected option again.