Intuitive remote data management in React
react-remote-resource simplifies the integration of remote resources, usually api endpoints, into React applications, reducing boilerplate and data over-fetching.
How does it work?
Whenever a resource is used it will check the internal cache for a valid data entry. If a valid entry is found, the resource will return the data from the cache and the data is ready to use. If no valid entry is found, the load
function, which returns a Promise, will be invoked and thrown. The nearest RemoteResourceBoundary
, using Suspsense
under the hood, will catch the Promise and render the fallback
until all outstanding Promises resolve. If any of the Promises reject, the RemoteResourceBoundary
calls renderError
and onLoadError
(if provided) otherwise it returns the children
. This provides an intuitive way to use data from remote resources throughout your app without over-fetching, or the headache and boilerplate of Redux or some other data management library.
Getting Started
npm install react-remote-resource --save
// or
yarn add react-remote-resource
Simple Example
import {
} from "react-remote-resource";
const userResource = createRemoteResource({
load: userId => fetchJson(`/api/users/${userId}`),
invalidateAfter: 60 * 60 * 1000
const tweetsResource = createRemoteResource({
load: userId => fetchJson(`/api/users/${userId}/tweets`),
invalidateAfter: 10000
const UserInfo = ({ userId }) => {
const [user] = useResourceState(userResource, [userId]);
const [tweets] = useResourceState(tweetsResource, [userId]);
return (
<img src={user.imageUrl} />
{} | Tweets: {tweets.length}
const Tweets = ({ userId }) => {
const [tweets] = useResourceState(tweetsResource, [userId]);
return (
{ => (
<li key={}>
const UserProfile = ({ userId }) => (
renderError={error => <p>{error}</p>}
<UserInfo userId={userId} />
<Tweets userId={userId} />
A function that takes a config object and returns a resource.
const useProduct = createRemoteResource({
load: id => fetch(`/api/products/${id}`).then(response => response.json()),
save: product =>
? fetch(`/api/products/${}`, { method: "PUT", body: JSON.stringify(product) }).then(response => response.json())
: fetch("/api/products", { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(product) }).then(response => response.json()),
delete: product => fetch(`/api/products/${}`, { method: "DELETE" }),
invalidateAfter: 10000,
createEntryId: id => id.toString().toUpperCase(),
initialValue: []
The return value from createRemoteResource
has the following shape:
id: string,
createEntryId: (...args: Array<any>) => string,
initialValue: any,
invalidateAfter: number,
load: (...args: Array<any>) => Promise<any>,
save: (...args: Array<any>) => Promise<any>,
delete: (...args: Array<any>) => Promise<any>,
getEntry: string => Immutable.RecordOf<{
id: string,
data: Maybe<any>,
updatedAt: Maybe<number>,
loadPromise: Maybe<Promise<any>>
onChange: (() => void) => void,
dispatch: ({ type: string }) => void
A React hook that takes a resource and an optional array of arguments and returns a tuple, very much like React's useState
. The second item in the tuple works like useState
in that it sets the in-memory state of the resource. Unlike useState
, however, the state is not local to the component. Any other components that are using the state of that same resource get updated immediately with the new state! Under the hood react-remote-resource
implements a redux store. Every resource get its own state and there can be multiple entries for each resource, depending on the arguments you pass into useResourceState
and the optional createEntryId
option that you can pass into createRemoteResource
. By default every new combination of arguments will create a new entry in the store.
import { useResourceState } from "react-remote-resource";
const ProductCategory = ({ categoryId }) => {
const [categoriesById] = useResourceState(categoriesResource);
const [products] = useResourceState(productsResource, [categoryId]);
return (
{ => (
<li key={}>
<Link to={`/products/${}`}>{}</Link>
This hook is very powerful. Let's walk through what happens when it is used:
- If there is no data for this resource OR no entry in the cache for the arguments (See invalidateAfter) OR the cache is stale (See invalidateAfter), then the
function of the categoriesResource
and productsResource
will be invoked and promises thrown. - If either of the promises reject, the closest
will handle the error. If both promises resolve, the categoriesById
and products
data will be available to use (as the first item in the tuple). - You can set the state using the second item in the tuple. Resource state changes, unlike component based
, will persist in memory. If a component unmounts and remounts the state will be the same as when you left it.
A React hook that takes a resource and an optional array of arguments and returns an object literal with the following methods:
: A function that takes either the new state to set for this entry or a function that takes the current state of the entry and returns what should be set as the new state for the entry.
: A function that allows you to bypass the check against the updatedAt
timestamp and immediately refetch the data. Note: the promise will not be thrown for this action.
: The save
function that was defined with createRemoteResource
. Note: this will be undefined
if you did not define a save
function with createRemoteResource
: The delete
function that was defined with createRemoteResource
. Note: this will be undefined
if you did not define a delete
function with createRemoteResource
Note: the array of arguments that are provided as the second argument will be spread as the initial arguments to the save
and delete
actions. For example, for the actions below, both save
and delete
inside of actions would receive categoryId
as the first parameter when invoked.
import { useResourceState, useResourceActions } from "react-remote-resource";
const ProductCategory = ({ categoryId }) => {
const [categoriesById] = useResourceState(categoriesState);
const [products] = useResourceState(productsResource, [categoryId]);
const actions = useResourceActions(productsResource, [categoryId]);
return (
<button onClick={actions.refresh}>Refresh Products</button>
{ => (
<li key={}>
<Link to={`/products/${}`}>{}</Link>
Uses Suspense
under the hood to catch any thrown promises and render the fallback
while they are pending. Will also catch any errors that occur in the promise from a resource's load
function and renderError
and call onLoadError
if provided.
const UserProfile = ({ userId }) => (
/* Optional: A React node that will show while any thrown promises are pending. `null` by default. */
/* Optional: A callback that is invoked when any thrown promise rejects */
onLoadError={error => {
/* Required: A render prop that receives the error and a function to clear the error, which allows the children to re-render and attempt loading again */
renderError={(error, clearError) => (
<button onClick={clearError}>Try again</button>
<UserInfo userId={userId} />
<Tweets userId={userId} />
A hook that takes a promise returning function. It will throw the returned promise as long as it is pending.
import { useSuspense, useResourceActions } from "react-remote-resource";
import userResource from "../resources/user";
const SaveButton = ({ onClick }) => (
<button onClick={useSuspense(onClick)}>Save</button>
const UserForm = () => {
const actions = useResourceActions(userResource);
return (
...Your form fields
<Suspense fallback={<p>Saving...</p>}>
<SaveButton onClick={} />