A function for tagging react-server
logger instances with information about the module they're being used in.
To transpile your source for use with
React Server, install gulp and the plugin
npm i -D gulp react-server-module-tagger
Then require and call the function. The tagger expects to have config and file
data on its prototype, so use .bind
const tagger = require('react-server-module-tagger');
const filepath = 'path/to/my/output.js';
const optString = '({label:"foo"})'
const moduleTag = tagger.bind({ file: { path: filepath }, config: { trim: 'path/to'} })(filepath, optString));
returns a logger instance that will have consistent coloring on the server and
the client, and that has a human-friendly, readable name that easily maps to
the file tree (in this example