A stepper library, for use in any type of flow, onboarding, quiz. With some helpers for animating between steps but without getting too in the way.

import React from 'react'
import { Strider, Step } from 'react-strider'
import cx from 'classnames'
import Layout from './Layout'
import StepOne from './StepOne'
import StepTwo from './StepTwo'
import StepThree from './StepThree'
import StepFour from './StepFour'
class Quiz extends React.Component {
constructor () {
this.state = {
products: []
render () {
return (
<Strider activeIndex={0} transitionSpeed={400}>
{({ next, goTo, active, hiding, activeIndex }) => (
<div className={cx('step__wrapper', {
'is-active': active,
'is-hiding': hiding
<StepOne next={next} />
{({ next, prev, goTo, active, hiding, activeIndex }) => (
<div className={cx('step__wrapper', {
'is-active': active,
'is-hiding': hiding
<StepTwo next={next} step={activeIndex} prev={prev} handleProduct={(i) => this.setState({product: i})} />
{({ next, prev, goTo, active, hiding, activeIndex }) => (
<div className={cx('step__wrapper', {
'is-active': active,
'is-hiding': hiding
<StepThree next={next} step={activeIndex} prev={prev} />
{({ next, prev, goTo, active, hiding, activeIndex }) => (
<div className={cx('step__wrapper', {
'is-active': active,
'is-hiding': hiding
<StepFour next={next} step={activeIndex} prev={prev} />
- goes to the next step if there is one
- goes to the previous step if there is one
- allows you to jump to any step 0
being the root step
- a simple set timeout for applying animations between steps, you could also apply set timeouts on the next/prev call to add additional animations within your own components
- the current active step, can be used again for animating
- the current index, helpful if you want to have some ui for visualizing where you are in the flow, or numbered steps like step 3 of 7 for example.
MIT License