Simple and light time picker for React app.
No moment.js needed
npm install react-time-picker-input
yarn add react-time-picker-input
Import Component
import TimePicker from 'react-time-picker-input'
Import Styles
import "react-time-picker-input/dist/components/TimeInput.css"
See Demo
Here's an example of basic usage:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import TimePicker from 'react-time-picker-input';
function TimePickerTest() {
const [value, setValue] = useState('10:00');
return (
PropName | Type | default | description |
onChange | function | (date)=>{} | It fires every time that time is valid (minute hour exists) and returns date parameter which is date in string 24 hour format |
onChangeEveryFormat | function | (date)=>{} | Similar to onChange but it can be used when allowDelete is true to get every value no matter if it is valid |
value | String | "- -" | Defines default value of TimePicker. Required format ("HH:mm") ex("22:04") -> always 24Hour format |
hour12Format | boolean | false | make it true to make input 12HourFormat support see on demo example |
allowDelete | boolean | false | make it true if you want to allow user to delete fields (hour and minutes) using Backspace |
disabled | boolean | false | make it true if you want to block user editting (no change on input can happen and cursor is turned to disabled) |
eachInputDropdown | boolean | false | make it true if you want to activate drodpown for each input (default is automatically not manually managed) |
manuallyDisplayDropdown | boolean | false | make it true if use eachInputDropdown prop to turn each dropdown to manually controlled mode |
fullTimeDropdown | boolean | false | make it true if you want to activate full dropdown time see demo |
Custom styling
If Default styles not applied :
Download and import on desired location :
Default Styles File
Edit Style for Desktop:
Input wrapper
.react-time-input-picker {
// css code here
Hour input :
.react-time-input-picker #react-time-input-picker__hourInput {
// css code here
Minute input :
.react-time-input-picker input#react-time-input-picker__minuteInput {
// css code here
AmPm input :
.react-time-input-picker input#react-time-input-picker__amPm {
// css code here
Focus style:
.react-time-input-picker input:focus {
// css code here
.react-time-input-picker input(//inputSelector):focus
// css code here
Edit Styles on Mobile :
Input wrapper
.input-time-mobile {
// css here