Browserify transform for JSX (superset of JavaScript used in React
Basic usage is:
% browserify -t reactify main.js
transform activates for files with either .jsx
extension or /** @jsx React.DOM */
pragma as a first line for any .js
If you want to reactify modules with other extensions, pass an -x / --extension
% browserify -t coffeeify -t [ reactify --extension coffee ]
If you don't want to specify extension, just pass --everything
% browserify -t coffeeify -t [ reactify --everything ]
ES6 transformation
transform also can compile a limited set of es6 syntax constructs
into es5. Supported features are arrow functions, rest params, templates, object
short notation and classes. You can activate this via --es6
or --harmony
boolean option:
% browserify -t [ reactify --es6 ] main.js
You can also configure it in package.json
"name": "my-package",
"browserify": {
"transform": [
["reactify", {"es6": true}]
Using 3rd-party jstransform visitors
Reactify uses jstransform to transform JavaScript code. It allows code
transformations to be pluggable and, what's more important, composable. For
example JSX and es6 are implemented as separate code transformations and still
can be composed together.
Reactify provides --visitors
option to specify additional jstransform visitos
which could perform additional transformations.
It should point to a module which exports visitorList
attribute with a list of
transformation functions to be applied:
% browserify -t [ reactify --visitors es6-module-jstransform/visitors ] main.js
Example above uses es6-module-jstransform to compile es6 module syntax
and export
declarations) into CommonJS module constructs.