Redux Act Classy
I came up with some of the ideas for this library while trudging
through the action portion of the redux ecosystem.
I've found it cumbersome to deal with
- action creators
- action types
- accessing action data in reducers (esp. w/ type friendliness)
- async thunk actions that result in multiple concrete actions to record the current
lifecycle stage of the async action (Start/Success/Fail/etc) for loading spinners etc
Each of these individually are not that bad, but taken as a whole I felt
like there should be a simpler way to do these things.
Types are first class
With the growing popularity of typescript, it makes sense to provide a solution that
improves developing in typescript as well as a javascript.
Simplistic usage
I want users to feel like this is the way actions were meant to be used.
Fully tested codebase
I work in a Test Driven Design environment, and I think it's important to bring that level
of confident development to this library so that others can have confidence in using this
library for their production environments.
TODO: project setup instructions...
Currently I am doing most of this by myself. If you have thoughts, inspiration, feedback, or
want to add a feature. Feel free to reach out or send a pull request!
Task List
Could add a reducer that stores all lifecycle states: OnStart, etc for each Action.
e.g. state.asyncActions[MyAction.TYPE].status
Multiple async actions of the same type (potentially with different data) may be going at the same time... (new DeleteJokeAction({id: 5})
Add tests to middleware
- test that functions are not passed when deconstructing {...action}
Add tests to helper functions
Bug: Fix perform return types that are arrays. only able to determine they are any[] atm
takes a getState: () => T
T should be the defined top level state interface for
users projects... How can we make this generic (without passing it into EACH new ClassyAction)...