An opinionated React wrapper for howler.js
Rehowl has react and howler as peer dependencies so that you can manage your own versions.
npm install --save-dev howler rehowl
yarn add -D howler rehowl
Hook interface
The recommended method to use Rehowl is through its custom hook and <Play />
Similar to Howler, you initialize a Howl and then can play sounds from it.
import React from 'react'
import { useHowl, Play } from 'rehowl'
const MyComponent = () => {
const { howl, state, error } = useHowl({
src: ['sound1.mp3', 'sound1.wav']
return <Play howl={howl} />
Render props interface
In a class component, you must use the render props pattern with <Rehowl />
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Rehowl, Play } from 'rehowl'
class MyComponent extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Rehowl src={[ 'sound1.mp3', 'sound1.wav' ]}>{
({ howl, state, error }) => <Play howl={howl} />
For more examples (while documentation is still light), please see storybook stories.
Rationale / Why not react-howler
When deciding to use Howler in a React project, a quick Google Search brings you to react-howler.
There are a few issues that make ReactHowler unsuitable for my needs:
- No support for playing multiple sounds on one Howl instance
- No support for audio sprites
- If you want to do more than the very basic API, you must break out the howler instance using refs
- Use of componentWillReceiveProps
Overall, it feels much more like a barebones wrapper for Howler that doesn't really give you any help when trying to integrate it into your components.
My main goals in this project are to make a library that feels like Howler, if Howler were built for React.