What is remark-math?
The remark-math package is a plugin for the remark markdown processor that allows you to parse and render mathematical expressions written in LaTeX. It supports both inline and block math expressions, making it useful for documents that require mathematical notation.
What are remark-math's main functionalities?
Inline Math
This feature allows you to include inline mathematical expressions within your markdown text. The example demonstrates how to use the remark-math plugin to parse and render an inline math expression.
const remark = require('remark');
const remarkMath = require('remark-math');
const html = require('remark-html');
.process('Here is some inline math: $E=mc^2$', function (err, file) {
if (err) throw err;
Block Math
This feature allows you to include block mathematical expressions in your markdown text. The example demonstrates how to use the remark-math plugin to parse and render a block math expression.
const remark = require('remark');
const remarkMath = require('remark-math');
const html = require('remark-html');
.process('$$\int_0^\infty e^{-x} \, dx = 1$$', function (err, file) {
if (err) throw err;
Other packages similar to remark-math
markdown-it-math is a plugin for the markdown-it parser that allows you to include LaTeX math expressions in your markdown documents. It supports both inline and block math, similar to remark-math, but is designed to work with the markdown-it ecosystem.
KaTeX is a fast, easy-to-use JavaScript library for TeX math rendering on the web. While it is not a markdown plugin itself, it can be used in conjunction with markdown parsers to render math expressions. It is known for its speed and reliability.
MathJax is a JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all browsers. It supports a wide range of LaTeX and MathML expressions. Like KaTeX, it is not a markdown plugin but can be integrated with markdown parsers to render math expressions.