Remix Utils
This package contains simple utility functions to use with
npm install remix-utils remix @remix-run/node @remix-run/react react
API Reference
The promiseHash
function is not directly related to Remix but it's a useful function when working with loaders and actions.
This function is an object version of Promise.all
which lets you pass an object with promises and get an object with the same keys with the resolved values.
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
return json(
user: getUser(request),
posts: getPosts(request),
You can use nested promiseHash
to get a nested object with resolved values.
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
return json(
user: getUser(request),
posts: promiseHash({
list: getPosts(request),
comments: promiseHash({
list: getComments(request),
likes: getLikes(request),
This function lets you easily cache inside the browser's Cache Storage every JS file built by Remix.
To use it, open your entry.client
file and add this:
import { cacheAssets } from "remix-utils";
cacheAssests().catch((error) => {
The function receives an optional options object with two options:
is the name of the Cache object to use, the default value is assets
is the pathname prefix for all Remix built assets, the default value is /build/
which is the default build path of Remix itself.
It's important that if you changed your build path in remix.config.js
you pass the same value to cacheAssets
or it will not find your JS files.
The cacheName
can be left as is unless you're adding a Service Worker to your app and want to share the cache.
cacheAssests({ cacheName: "assets", buildPath: "/build/" }).catch((error) => {
The ClientOnly component lets you render the children element only on the client-side, avoiding rendering it the server-side.
You can provide a fallback component to be used on SSR, and while optional, it's highly recommended to provide one to avoid content layout shift issues.
import { ClientOnly } from "remix-utils";
export default function View() {
return (
<ClientOnly fallback={<SimplerStaticVersion />}>
{() => <ComplexComponentNeedingBrowserEnvironment />}
This component is handy when you have some complex component that needs a browser environment to work, like a chart or a map. This way, you can avoid rendering it server-side and instead use a simpler static version like an SVG or even a loading UI.
The rendering flow will be:
- SSR: Always render the fallback.
- CSR First Render: Always render the fallback.
- CSR Update: Update to render the actual component.
- CSR Future Renders: Always render the actual component, don't bother to render the fallback.
This component uses the useHydrated
hook internally.
The CORS function let you implement CORS headers on your loaders and actions so you can use them as an API for other client-side applications.
There are two main ways to use the cors
- Use it on each loader/action where you want to enable it.
- Use it globally on entry.server handleDataRequest export.
If you want to use it on every loader/action, you can do it like this:
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
let data = await getData(request);
let response = json<LoaderData>(data);
return await cors(request, response);
You could also do the json
and cors
call in one line.
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
let data = await getData(request);
return await cors(request, json<LoaderData>(data));
And because cors
mutates the response, you can also call it and later return.
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
let data = await getData(request);
let response = json<LoaderData>(data);
await cors(request, response);
return response;
If you want to setup it globally once, you can do it like this in entry.server
export let handleDataRequest: HandleDataRequestFunction = async (
{ request }
) => {
return await cors(request, response);
Additionally, the cors
function accepts a options
object as a third optional argument. These are the options.
: Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Origin CORS header.
Possible values are:
: Enable CORS for any origin (same as "*")false
: Don't setup CORSstring
: Set to a specific origin, if set to "*" it will allow any originRegExp
: Set to a RegExp to match against the originArray<string | RegExp>
: Set to an array of origins to match against the
string or RegExpFunction
: Set to a function that will be called with the request origin
and should return a boolean indicating if the origin is allowed or not.
The default value is true
: Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods CORS header.
The default value is ["GET", "HEAD", "PUT", "PATCH", "POST", "DELETE"]
: Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers CORS header.exposedHeaders
: Configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers CORS header.credentials
: Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials CORS header.maxAge
: Configures the Access-Control-Max-Age CORS header.
The CSRF related functions let you implement CSRF protection on your application.
This part of Remix Utils needs React and server-side code.
Generate the authenticity token
In the server, we need to add to our root
component the following.
import type { LoaderFunction } from "remix";
import { createAuthenticityToken, json } from "remix-utils";
import { getSession, commitSession } from "~/services/session.server";
interface LoaderData {
csrf: string;
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
let session = await getSession(request.headers.get("cookie"));
let token = createAuthenticityToken(session);
return json<LoaderData>(
{ csrf: token },
{ headers: { "Set-Cookie": await commitSession(session) } }
The createAuthenticityToken
function receives a session object and stores the authenticity token there using the csrf
key (you can pass the key name as a second argument). Finally, you need to return the token in a json
response and commit the session.
Render the AuthenticityTokenProvider
You need to read the authenticity token and render the AuthenticityTokenProvider
component wrapping your code in your root.
import { Outlet, useLoaderData } from "remix";
import { Document } from "~/components/document";
export default function Root() {
let { csrf } = useLoaderData<LoaderData>();
return (
<AuthenticityTokenProvider token={csrf}>
<Outlet />
With this, your whole app can access the authenticity token generated in the root.
Rendering a Form
When you create a form in some route, you can use the AuthenticityTokenInput
component to add the authenticity token to the form.
import { Form } from "remix";
import { AuthenticityTokenInput } from "remix-utils";
export default function SomeRoute() {
return (
<Form method="post">
<AuthenticityTokenInput />
<input type="text" name="something" />
Note that the authenticity token is only really needed for a form that mutates the data somehow. If you have a search form making a GET request, you don't need to add the authenticity token there.
This AuthenticityTokenInput
will get the authenticity token from the AuthenticityTokenProvider
component and add it to the form as the value of a hidden input with the name csrf
. You can customize the field name using the name
<AuthenticityTokenInput name="customName" />
You should only customize the name if you also changed it on createAuthenticityToken
Alternative: Using useAuthenticityToken
and useFetcher
If you need to use useFetcher
(or useSubmit
) instead of Form
you can also get the authenticity token with the useAuthenticityToken
import { useFetcher } from "remix";
import { useAuthenticityToken } from "remix-utils";
export function useMarkAsRead() {
let fetcher = useFetcher();
let csrf = useAuthenticityToken();
return function submit(data) {
fetcher.submit({ csrf, }, { action: "/action", method: "post" });
Verify in the Action
Finally, you need to verify the authenticity token in the action that received the request.
import type { ActionFunction } from "remix";
import { verifyAuthenticityToken, redirectBack } from "remix-utils";
import { getSession, commitSession } from "~/services/session.server";
export let action: ActionFunction = async ({ request }) => {
let session = await getSession(request.headers.get("Cookie"));
await verifyAuthenticityToken(request, session);
return redirectBack(request, { fallback: "/fallback" });
Suppose the authenticity token is missing on the session, the request body, or doesn't match. In that case, the function will throw an Unprocessable Entity response that you can either catch and handle manually or let pass and render your CatchBoundary.
If you need to create <link />
tags based on the loader data instead of being static, you can use the DynamicLinks
component together with the DynamicLinksFunction
In the route you want to define dynamic links add handle
export with a dynamicLinks
method, this method should implement the DynamicLinksFunction
let dynamicLinks: DynamicLinksFunction<LoaderData> = ({ data }) => {
if (!data.user) return [];
return [{ rel: "preload", href: data.user.avatar, as: "image" }];
Then, in the root route, add the DynamicLinks
component before the Remix's Links component, usually inside a Document component.
import { Links, LiveReload, Meta, Scripts, ScrollRestoration } from "remix";
import { DynamicLinks } from "remix-utils";
type Props = { children: React.ReactNode; title?: string };
export function Document({ children, title }: Props) {
return (
<html lang="en">
<meta charSet="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" />
{title ? <title>{title}</title> : null}
<Meta />
<DynamicLinks />
<Links />
<ScrollRestoration />
<Scripts />
<LiveReload />
Now, any link you defined in the DynamicLinksFunction
will be added to the HTML as any static link in your LinksFunction
Note: You can also put the DynamicLinks
after the Links
component, it's up to you what to prioritize, since static links are probably prefetched when you do <Link prefetch>
you may want to put the DynamicLinks
first to prioritize them.
If you need to load different external scripts on certain routes, you can use the ExternalScripts
component together with the ExternalScriptsFunction
In the route you want to load the script add a handle
export with a scripts
method, this method should implement the ExternalScriptsFunction
let scripts: ExternalScriptsFunction = () => {
return [
src: "",
integrity: "sha256-/xUj+3OJU5yExlq6GSYGSHk7tPXikynS7ogEvDej/m4=",
crossOrigin: "anonymous",
export let handle = { scripts };
Then, in the root route, add the ExternalScripts
component together with the Remix's Scripts component, usually inside a Document component.
import { Links, LiveReload, Meta, Scripts, ScrollRestoration } from "remix";
import { ExternalScripts } from "remix-utils";
type Props = { children: React.ReactNode; title?: string };
export function Document({ children, title }: Props) {
return (
<html lang="en">
<meta charSet="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" />
{title ? <title>{title}</title> : null}
<Meta />
<Links />
<ScrollRestoration />
<ExternalScripts />
<Scripts />
<LiveReload />
Now, any script you defined in the ScriptsFunction will be added to the HTML together with a <link rel="preload">
before it.
Tip: You could use it together with useShouldHydrate to disable Remix scripts in certain routes but still load scripts for analytics or small features that need JS but don't need the full app JS to be enabled.
If you need to include structured data (JSON-LD) scripts on certain routes, you can use the StructuredData
component together with the HandleStructuredData
type or StructuredDataFunction
In the route you want to include the structured data, add a handle
export with a structuredData
method, this method should implement the StructuredDataFunction
import type { WithContext, BlogPosting } from "schema-dts";
export let handle: HandleStructuredData<LoaderData> = {
structuredData(data: LoaderData) {
try {
let { post } = data;
let postSchema: WithContext<BlogPosting> = {
"@context": "",
"@type": "BlogPosting",
datePublished: post.published,
mainEntityOfPage: {
"@type": "WebPage",
"@id": post.postUrl,
image: post.featuredImage,
author: {
"@type": "Person",
name: post.authorName,
return postSchema;
} catch (e: unknown) {
return [];
Then, in the root route, add the StructuredData
component together with the Remix's Scripts component, usually inside a Document component.
import { Links, LiveReload, Meta, Scripts, ScrollRestoration } from "remix";
import { StructuredData } from "remix-utils";
type Props = { children: React.ReactNode; title?: string };
export function Document({ children, title }: Props) {
return (
<html lang="en">
<meta charSet="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" />
{title ? <title>{title}</title> : null}
<Meta />
<Links />
<StructuredData />
<ScrollRestoration />
<Scripts />
<LiveReload />
Now, any structured data you defined in the StructuredDataFunction
will be added to the HTML, in the head. You may choose to include the <StructuredData />
in either the head or the body, both are valid.
Wrapper of the useActionData from Remix. It lets you pass a reviver function to convert values from the stringified JSON to any JS object.
It also lets you pass a validator function to ensure the final value has the correct shape and get the type of the data correctly.
type ActionData = { user: { name: string; createdAt: Date } };
let replacer: ReplacerFunction = (key: string, value: unknown) => {
if (typeof value !== "Date") return value;
return { __type: "Date", value: value.toISOString() };
let reviver: ReviverFunction = (key: string, value: unknown) => {
if (value.__type === "Date") return new Date(value.value);
return value;
let validator: ValidatorFunction = (data) => {
return schema.parse(data);
export let action: ActionFunction = async ({ request }) => {
let user = await createUser(request);
return created<ActionData>({ user }, { replacer });
export function Screen() {
let { user } = useActionData<ActionData>({ reviver, validator });
return <UserProfile user={user} />;
Wrapper of the useLoaderData from Remix. It lets you pass a reviver function to convert values from the stringified JSON to any JS object.
It also lets you pass a validator function to ensure the final value has the correct shape and get the type of the data correctly.
type LoaderData = { user: { name: string; createdAt: Date } };
let replacer: ReplacerFunction = (key: string, value: unknown) => {
if (typeof value !== "Date") return value;
return { __type: "Date", value: value.toISOString() };
let reviver: ReviverFunction = (key: string, value: unknown) => {
if (value.__type === "Date") return new Date(value.value);
return value;
let validator: ValidatorFunction = (data) => {
return schema.parse(data);
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
let user = await getUser(request);
return json<LoaderData>({ user }, { replacer });
export function Screen() {
let { user } = useLoaderData<LoaderData>({ reviver, validator });
return <UserProfile user={user} />;
This hook lets you trigger a refresh of the loaders in the current URL.
The way this works is by sending a fetcher.submit to /dev/null
to trigger all loaders to run.
You need to create app/routes/dev/null.ts
and define an action that returns null.
export function action() {
return null;
This Hook is mostly useful if you want to trigger the refresh manually from an effect, examples of this are:
- Set an interval to trigger the refresh
- Refresh when the browser tab is focused again
- Refresh when the user is online again
import { useDataRefresh } from "remix-utils";
function useDataRefreshOnInterval() {
let { refresh } = useDataRefresh();
useEffect(() => {
let interval = setInterval(refresh, 5000);
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, [refresh]);
The return value of useDataRefresh
is an object with the following keys:
- refresh: a function that trigger the refresh
- type: a string which can be
, refreshRedirect
or refresh
- status: a string which can be
or idle
This hook lets you know if the global transition or if one of any active fetchers is either loading or submittin.
import { useGlobalPendingState } from "remix-utils";
export function GlobalPendingUI() {
let globalState = useGlobalPendingState();
if (globalState === "idle") return null;
return <Spinner />;
The return value of useGlobalPendingState
is either "idle"
or "pending"
This hook lets you detect if your component is already hydrated. This means the JS for the element loaded client-side and React is running.
With useHydrated, you can render different things on the server and client while ensuring the hydration will not have a mismatched HTML.
import { useHydrated } from "remix-utils";
export function Component() {
let isHydrated = useHydrated();
if (isHydrated) {
return <ClientOnlyComponent />;
return <ServerFallback />;
When doing SSR, the value of isHydrated
will always be false
. The first client-side render isHydrated
will still be false, and then it will change to true
After the first client-side render, future components rendered calling this hook will receive true
as the value of isHydrated
. This way, your server fallback UI will never be rendered on a route transition.
This hooks lets you get the locales returned by the root loader. It follows a simple convention, your root loader return value should be an objet with the key locales
You can combine it with getClientLocal
to get the locales on the root loader and return that. The return value of useLocales
is a Locales
type which is string | string[] | undefined
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
let locales = getClientLocales(request);
return json({ locales });
export default function Screen() {
let locales = useLocales();
let date = new Date();
let dateTime = date.toISOString;
let formattedDate = date.toLocaleDateString(locales, options);
return <time dateTime={dateTime}>{formattedDate}</time>;
The return type of useLocales
is ready to be used with the Intl API.
This hook lets you access the data of any route in the current page. This can include child or parent routes.
To use it, call useRouteData
in your component and pass the route ID as a string. As an example, if you had the following routes:
Then you need to pass useRouteData("routes/articles")
to get the data of routes/articles.tsx
, useRouteData("routes/articles/index")
to get the data of routes/articles/index.tsx
and routes/articles/$slug
to get the data of routes/articles/$slug.tsx
As you can see, the ID is the route file without the extension.
let parentData = useRouteData("routes/articles");
let indexData = useRouteData("routes/articles/index");
The useRouteData
hook receives a generic to be used as the type of the route data. Because the route may not be found the return type is Data | undefined
. This means if you do the following:
let data = useRouteData<ArticleShowData>("routes/articles");
The type of data
will be ArticleShowData | undefined
, so you will need to check if it's not undefined before being able to use it.
If you are building a Remix application where most routes are static, and you want to avoid loading client-side JS, you can use this hook, plus some conventions, to detect if one or more active routes needs JS and only render the Scripts component in that case.
In your document component, you can call this hook to dynamically render the Scripts component if needed.
import type { ReactNode } from "react";
import { Links, LiveReload, Meta, Scripts } from "remix";
import { useShouldHydrate } from "remix-utils";
interface DocumentProps {
children: ReactNode;
title?: string;
export function Document({ children, title }: DocumentProps) {
let shouldHydrate = useShouldHydrate();
return (
<html lang="en">
<meta charSet="utf-8" />
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.png" type="image/png" />
{title ? <title>{title}</title> : null}
<Meta />
<Links />
{shouldHydrate && <Scripts />}
<LiveReload />
Now, you can export a handle
object with the hydrate
property as true
in any route module.
export let handle = { hydrate: true };
This will mark the route as requiring JS hydration.
In some cases, a route may need JS based on the data the loader returned. For example, if you have a component to purchase a product, but only authenticated users can see it, you don't need JS until the user is authenticated. In that case, you can make hydrate
be a function receiving your loader data.
export let handle = {
hydrate(data: LoaderData) {
return data.user.isAuthenticated;
The useShouldHydrate
hook will detect hydrate
as a function and call it using the route data.
This function receives a Request or Headers objects and will try to get the IP address of the client (the user) who originated the request.
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
let ipAddress = getClientIPAddress(request);
let ipAddress = getClientIPAddress(request.headers);
If it can't find he ipAddress the return value will be null
. Remember to check if it was able to find it before using it.
The function uses the following list of headers, in order of preference:
- X-Client-IP
- X-Forwarded-For
- Fly-Client-IP
- CF-Connecting-IP
- Fastly-Client-Ip
- True-Client-Ip
- X-Real-IP
- X-Cluster-Client-IP
- X-Forwarded
- Forwarded-For
- Forwarded
When a header is found that contains a valid IP address, it will return without checking the other headers.
This function let you get the locales of the client (the user) who originated the request.
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
let locales = getClientLocales(request);
let locales = getClientLocales(request.headers);
The return value is a Locales type, which is string | string[] | undefined
The returned locales can be directly used on the Intl API when formatting dates, numbers, etc.
import { getClientLocales } from "remix-utils";
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
let locales = getClientLocales(request);
let nowDate = new Date();
let formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locales, {
year: "numeric",
month: "long",
day: "numeric",
return json({ now: formatter.format(nowDate) });
The value could also be returned by the loader and used on the UI to ensure the user's locales is used on both server and client formatted dates.
This function let you identify if a request was created because of a prefetch triggered by using <Link prefetch="intent">
or <Link prefetch="render">
This will let you implement a short cache only for prefetch requests so you avoid the double data request.
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
let data = await getData(request);
let headers = new Headers();
if (isPrefetch(request)) {
headers.set("Cache-Control", "private, max-age=5, smax-age=0");
return json(data, { headers });
This function works together with useLoaderData. The function receives any value and returns a response with the value as JSON.
The difference with the built-in json
function in Remix is that this one lets you pass a replacer function which will be passed to JSON.stringify to let you control how your values are transformed to string.
This is useful to support sending BigInt, Date, Error, or any custom class value which is not directly supported on the JSON format.
import { json, useLoaderData } from "remix-utils";
import type { ReplacerFunction, ReviverFunction } from "remix-utils";
import type { LoaderFunction } from "remix";
import { getUser } from "../services/users";
import type { User } from "../types";
type LoaderData = { user: User };
let replacer: ReplacerFunction = (key: string, value: unknown) => {
if (typeof value !== "Date") return value;
return { __type: "Date", value: value.toISOString() };
let reviver: ReviverFunction = (key: string, value: unknown) => {
if (value.__type === "Date") return new Date(value.value);
return value;
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
let user = await getUser(request);
return json<LoaderData>({ user }, { replacer });
export function Screen() {
let { user } = useLoaderData<LoaderData>({ reviver });
return <UserProfile user={user} />;
Note: All helpers below use this json function, ensure you always import useLoaderData from Remix Utils
Redirect Back
This function is a wrapper of the redirect
helper from Remix. Unlike Remix's version, this one receives the whole request object as the first value and an object with the response init and a fallback URL.
The response created with this function will have the Location
header pointing to the Referer
header from the request, or if not available, the fallback URL provided in the second argument.
import { redirectBack } from "remix-utils";
import type { ActionFunction } from "remix";
export let action: ActionFunction = async ({ request }) => {
await redirectBack(request, { fallback: "/" });
This helper is most useful when used in a generic action to send the user to the same URL it was before.
Helper function to create a Created (201) response with a JSON body.
import { created } from "remix-utils";
import type { ActionFunction } from "remix";
export let action: ActionFunction = async ({ request }) => {
let result = await doSomething(request);
return created(result);
Bad Request
Helper function to create a Bad Request (400) response with a JSON body.
import { badRequest } from "remix-utils";
import type { ActionFunction } from "remix";
export let action: ActionFunction = async () => {
throw badRequest({ message: "You forgot something in the form." });
Helper function to create an Unauthorized (401) response with a JSON body.
import { unauthorized } from "remix-utils";
import type { LoaderFunction } from "remix";
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async () => {
throw unauthorized({ message: "You need to login." });
Helper function to create a Forbidden (403) response with a JSON body.
import { forbidden } from "remix-utils";
import type { LoaderFunction } from "remix";
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async () => {
throw forbidden({ message: "You don't have access for this." });
Not Found
Helper function to create a Not Found (404) response with a JSON body.
import { notFound } from "remix-utils";
import type { LoaderFunction } from "remix";
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async () => {
throw notFound({ message: "This doesn't exists." });
Unprocessable Entity
Helper function to create an Unprocessable Entity (422) response with a JSON body.
import { unprocessableEntity } from "remix-utils";
import type { LoaderFunction } from "remix";
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async () => {
throw unprocessableEntity({ message: "This doesn't exists." });
This is used by the CSRF validation. You probably don't want to use it directly.
Server Error
Helper function to create a Server Error (500) response with a JSON body.
import { serverError } from "remix-utils";
import type { LoaderFunction } from "remix";
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async () => {
throw serverError({ message: "Something unexpected happened." });
Not Modified
Helper function to create a Not Modified (304) response without a body and any header.
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
return notModified();
Helper function to create a JavaScript file response with any header.
This is useful to create JS files based on data inside a Resource Route.
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
return javascript("console.log('Hello World')");
Helper function to create a CSS file response with any header.
This is useful to create CSS files based on data inside a Resource Route.
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
return stylesheet("body { color: red; }");
Helper function to create a PDF file response with any header.
This is useful to create PDF files based on data inside a Resource Route.
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
return pdf(await generatePDF(request.formData()));
Helper function to create a HTML file response with any header.
This is useful to create HTML files based on data inside a Resource Route.
export let loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {
return html("<h1>Hello World</h1>");