Serial port over ethernet using a HTTP server with WebSockets and REST API.
NOTE: This is an early version of the script - not yet ready for production environment. Please be patient.
Getting Started
Install the package
npm install remote-serial-port-client
Make sure the server is running
npm install -g remote-serial-port-server
remote-serial-port-server --port 5147
List serial ports
var serialport = new RemoteSerialPort({ url: "http://localhost:5147/" });
serialport.list(function(error, ports) {
Use in Node.js
var RemoteSerialPort = require("remote-serial-port-client");
var serialport = new RemoteSerialPort({ url: "http://localhost:5147/" });
Use in browser
Reference the library
<script src="dist/RemoteSerialPort.min.js"></script>
Initialize in JavaScript
var serialport = new RemoteSerialPort({ url: "http://localhost:5147/" });
new RemoteSerialPort(options)
Lists available serial ports from the remote host.
Argument name | Type | Description |
port | string | Serial port name, e.g. COM1 or ttyUSB0 (without /dev) |
callback | function | function(error, ports) |
status(port, callback)
Gets the specified serial port status.
Argument name | Type | Description |
port | string | Serial port name, e.g. COM1 or ttyUSB0 (without /dev) |
callback | function | function(error, status) |
open(port, options, callback)
Opens the specified serial port.
Argument name | Type | Description |
port | string | Serial port name, e.g. COM1 or ttyUSB0 (without /dev) |
options | object | Serial port config |
options.baudRate | numeric | Baud rate, e.g. 9600, 57600, 115200, etc. |
options.dataBits | numeric | Data bits: 5, 6, 7 or 8 |
options.stopBits | numeric | Stop bits: 1 or 2 |
options.parity | string | Parity: none, even, mark, odd, space |
callback | function | function(error, result) |
close(port, callback)
Closes the specified serial port.
Argument name | Type | Description |
port | string | Serial port name, e.g. COM1 or ttyUSB0 (without /dev) |
callback | function | function(error, result) |
write(port, data, callback)
Writes data to the serial port.
Argument name | Type | Description |
port | string | Serial port name, e.g. COM1 or ttyUSB0 (without /dev) |
data | mixed | Data to be sent to serial port, String of Buffer |
callback | function | function(error, result) |
read(port, callback)
Reads data from the serial port receive buffer.
Argument name | Type | Description |
port | string | Serial port name, e.g. COM1 or ttyUSB0 (without /dev) |
callback | function | function(error, data) |
available(port, callback)
Gets a number of bytes waiting in the serial port receive buffer.
Argument name | Type | Description |
port | string | Serial port name, e.g. COM1 or ttyUSB0 (without /dev) |
callback | function | function(error, result) |
See remote-serial-port-server script.