Takes GeoJSON in one projection/CRS and transforms, or reprojects, it to another.
$ npm install -g reproject
$ echo '{"type":"Point","coordinates":[319180, 6399862]}'| reproject --crs-defs=crs-defs.json --from=EPSG:3006 --to=EPSG:4326
A sample file of CRS definitions, crs-defs.json, is supplied. It's contents is a dictionary of CRS names to Proj4 definitions.
reproject can be used together with for example wellknown and geojsonio-cli:
$ echo "POINT(319180 6399862)" | wellknown | reproject --crs-defs=crs-defs.json --from=EPSG:3006 --to=EPSG:4326 | geojsonio
reproject currently only works with node.js, since proj4node, which reproject relies on, does not play nice with
for example browserify. Installation is easy with npm:
npm install reproject
Reprojects the given GeoJSON from the CRS given in from to the CRS given in to.
The from and to arguments can either be a proj4node projection object, or a string containing a CRS name. In
the case of a CRS name, the proj4node projection instance is looked up using the crss argument. crss
is assumed to be a dictionary of projection names to proj4node objects.
If from is left undefined or null, the CRS will be detected from the GeoJSON's crs property and looked up in the
crss dictionary.
Shortcut equivalent to
reproject(geojson, from, proj4node.WGS84, crss)
Detects the CRS defined in the given GeoJSON and returns the corresponding proj4node projection instance from
crss. If no CRS is defined in the GeoJSON, or the defined CRS isn't present in crss, an error is thrown.