Node module for loading js files via require when supplied with a valid directory, if the directory is not valid it will throw. It will also throw if the object is not exported properly or cannot be resolved through require.
npm install require-plus
var requirePlus = require('require-plus');
var options : {
blacklist: ['node_modules', '.git', '.idea'],
extensions: ['.js','.json']
// if options are not set the standard defaults shown above will be applied
var results = requirePlus('./routes', options);
//results will be a object set of objects with the keys showing a representation of file tree
Add tests
Blacklist directories
Bypass any EPREM with file permission issues
Improve hash object created (recursively) to be keys representing position in file system, for example if a module is in /some/path/file.js the returned object should be
{some:{path:{file: object}}};