
What is it?
rm3 is a system for managing stuff on the web. It's a little more than just a blog engine, but a little less than an enterprise CMS. It is to Drupal as Ghost is to WordPress. It can be a blog, a wiki, a photo archive, or a combination of all of that and more. Like a blog, it lets you create a series of blog articles in a collection. Like a wiki, it maintains a history of all changes. Like a CMS, it lets you create a site with more structure than a mere list of posts. It has good support for both SVG vector graphics and photos.
Release Status
This is currently in PRE-ALPHA state, defined as:
- I'm not yet trying to run this in production, so you definitely shouldn't.
- Any data you put in here you should be prepared to reconstruct without the benefit of a migration tool.
- Security and stability bugs are to be expected.
- Key features are missing.
- The basic structure of code is assumed to be unstable and any APIs are subject to change
The next milestone is ALPHA, defined as:
- Key features are not missing
- Any data you put in here you should be prepared to reconstruct without the benefit of a migration tool.
- Security and stability bugs are to be expected.
- Some stable internal APIs will be present.
How to get started?
Automated Setup
Docker Compose
Manual Setup
- Install PostgreSQL 9.4 or later. See PostgreSQL installation -- you want to install it off of the PostgreSQL Apt Repository if your operating system doesn't package 9.5 or newer
- Install node.js 4.4 or later (node.js 6.0 is not yet supported). See NodeJS install via package manager
- Install Redis 2.0 or later.
- Install LibRSVG library and header files (see https://www.npmjs.com/package/librsvg)
- Git clone this repo
npm install
- Create the database in postgresql
- Set up a password and user.
- The default setup is to assume it can connect to a database named
with username wirehead
and password rm3test
. An example database setup sequence, assuming that the default installed admin PostgreSQL user is postgres
psql -c 'create database rm3test;' -U postgres
psql -c "CREATE USER wirehead WITH PASSWORD 'rm3test';" -U postgres
psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database rm3test TO wirehead;" -U postgres
psql -c "ALTER USER wirehead WITH SUPERUSER;" -U postgres
- You can set the RM3_PG environment variable to something different if you want a different database username and password (and definitely should, if you want to run this in production)
createdb rm3test
psql rm3test -U wirehead < db-schema.sql
- Load some default content
./bin/rm3load -f default_frontpage.json
./bin/rm3load -f default_users.json
- Add a user and assign them to the root group
./bin/rm3admin adduser wirehead "Some New User" -p "Some profile text" -u http://www.wirewd.com/ -e email@example.com --password password
./bin/rm3admin assign wirehead root
- Add permissions for the root group
./bin/rm3admin permit root edit \*
./bin/rm3admin permit root delete \*
./bin/rm3admin permit root view \*
- Add permissions for the special 'nobody' group
./bin/rm3admin permit nobody view wh.!users
- Run it
./node_modules/.bin/gulp develop
To generate API docs:
To test:
To lint:
To check coverage
If you want to do some development and not want to log in:
RM3_DANGER_FORCE_AUTH='wirehead' gulp develop
- Warning: If you try to do this on a publicly accessible Internet port, you will get hacked
There are a wide variety of ways to contribute. Documentation, bug triage, detailed issues (including UI/UX, bug reports, etc), test cases, refactoring, artwork, schemes, and so on are all just as important as features.
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
CONTRIBUTING.md contains more details.