popupClassName | string | | additional className added to popup |
destroyPopupOnHide | boolean | false | whether destroy popup when hide |
getPopupClassNameFromAlign | getPopupClassNameFromAlign(align: Object):String | | additional className added to popup according to align |
popupStyle | Object | | additional style of popup |
prefixCls | String | rmc-trigger-popup | prefix class name |
popupTransitionName | String | | https://github.com/react-component/animate |
maskTransitionName | String | | https://github.com/react-component/animate |
onPopupVisibleChange | Function | | call when popup visible is changed |
mask | boolean | false | whether to support mask |
maskClosable | boolean | true | whether to support click mask to hide |
popupVisible | boolean | | whether popup is visible |
zIndex | number | | popup's zIndex |
defaultPopupVisible | boolean | | whether popup is visible initially |
popupAlign | Object: alignConfig of [dom-align](https://github.com/yiminghe/dom-align) | | popup 's align config |
onPopupAlign | function(popupDomNode, align) | | callback when popup node is aligned |
popup | React.Element | function() => React.Element | | popup content |
getPopupContainer | getPopupContainer(): HTMLElement | | function returning html node which will act as popup container |
getDocument | getDocument(): HTMLElement | | function returning document node which will be attached click event to close trigger |
popupPlacement | string | | use preset popup align config from builtinPlacements, can be merged by popupAlign prop |
builtinPlacements | object | | builtin placement align map. used by placement prop |