Create and run commands over a RPC protocol stream
$ npm install rpc-protocol
Echo server over web sockets:
const WebSocketServer = require('simple-websocket/server')
const protocol = require('rpc-protocol')
const server = new WebSocketServer({ port: 3000 })
server.on('connection', onconnection)
function onconnection(socket) {
const rpc = protocol({ stream: socket })
rpc.command('echo', (req) => {
return req.arguments
Echo client over web sockets
const WebSocket = require('simple-websocket')
const protocol = require('rpc-protocol')
const socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:3000')
socket.on('connect', onconnect)
function onconnect() {
const rpc = protocol({ stream: socket })
rpc.call('echo', 'hello world', (err, res) => {
rpc = require('rpc-protocol')(opts)
Creates a new RPC protocol Duplex stream where opts
can be:
is an optional encoding object that
contains an encode(value)
and decode(buffer)
functions for
converting values to and from buffers that can be sent over a binary
is an optional stream to pump data in and out of into
the protocol stream
rpc.command(commandName, callback)
Create a callback for a command given by the string commandName
is called when rpc.call(commandName, ...)
is called from the client
and where callback
contains a command request object. Results can be
returned to the caller by returning a value, which can be a Promise
Below is a simple example of a command that proxies a fetch()
call over
the stream. The caller would simply need to call rpc.call('fetch', ['https://github.com', { mode: 'cors' }, ], callback)
rpc.command('fetch', async (req) => {
const [ resource, init ] = req.arguments
return fetch(resource, init).then(async (res) => {
return {
arrayBuffer: Buffer.from(await res.clone().arrayBuffer),
text: Buffer.from(await res.clone().text),
json: Buffer.from(await res.clone().json),
statusText: res.statusText,
redirected: res.redirected,
bodyUsed: res.bodyUsed,
headers: res.headers,
status: res.status,
type: res.type,
url: res.url,
ok: res.ok,
Command Streams
Commands can stream responses by to the client by making use of the
second argument given to the command callback called reply(err, results)
It is a function that accepts an optional error and an array of results to
send back to the client.
Below is an example of a simple counter stream. Given a start
range with an interval
the command will reply with an
incremented i
value at some interval
rpc.command('counter', (req, reply) => {
const [ start, end, interval = 100] = req.arguments
let i = start
function ontick() {
if (i <= end) {
if (reply(null, i++)) {
setTimeout(ontick, interval)
} else {
reply(null, null)
didWrite = reply(err, response)
The reply()
function replies to the caller with an error err
and an
array of results as a response
. The command can continue to call this
function with more results or errors. The return value of the reply
function will indicate if the stream is still open to write to.
command = rpc.call(commandName, arguments, callback)
A command can be invoked by calling rpc.call()
with a command name
and an optional array of arguments along with a callback(err, res)
function that will be called when the command responds with a reply.
Response results are always given as an array as the command may
return more than value. A command can only throw one error at a time.
rpc.call('echo', ['hello', 'world'], (err, res) => {
if (err) {
} else {
stream = rpc.createReadStream(command)
Read streams can be created from an existing command. They are useful if
the command can reply with multiple values over a period of time.
rpc.command('fs.createReadStream', (req, reply) => {
const [ path ] = req.arguments
const stream = fs.createReadStream(path)
stream.on('data', (data) => reply(null, data))
stream.on('end', () => reply(null, null))
const command = rpc.call('fs.createReadStream', ['/path/to/file.txt'])
const stream = rpc.createReadStream(command)
const chunks []
stream.on('data', (data) => { chunks.push(data) })
stream.on('end', () => console.log(Buffer.concat(chunks).toString()))
is the low level function that makes a request for an
existing command, an extension, or an arbitrary buffer.
Sending An Extension
Sending an extension message requires you use the extension type and some
value that the extension encodes.
rpc.send(EXTENSION_TYPE, 'some value', (err, res) => {
Sending A Command
Sending a command requires you create an instance of Command
with an
encoding, command name, array of arguments, and a callback that is
called when the command replies with a response
const command = new Command(rpc.encoding, 'echo', ['hello'], (err, res) => {
rpc.send(command.id, command, command.pack())
Sending An Arbitrary Message
Sending an arbitrary message is possible but replies cannot be linked to
the sent message and there is no guarantee that the message was read.
rpc.send(Buffer.from('hello'), (err) => {
An alias to rpc.fin(command)
Send a Fin
packet to the stream tied to the command request.
const command = rpc.call('echo', ['hello', 'world'], console.log)
rpc.extension(extensionType, encoding)
Extensions provide a way to extend the protocol with user supplied
binary encodings. The rpc.extension(extensionType, encoding)
accepts an integer extensionType
and an encoding
object that
contains encode(value)
and decode(buffer)
functions for encoding
values to and from buffers.
Extensions can be used by making use of the rpc.send()
function that
expects an extensionType
, an array of arguments that will be encoded
by the extension encoding and a callback that will be called when the
extension replies with a response.
Extension Wire Interface
Extensions must provide a way of encoding an id
into the extension
encoding which must be available after decode(buffer)
is called on
the return value. The id
is used internally to track requests and
response from callers.
If an extension provides a way to encode and decode Error
then they will be propagated to the err
argument in the reply(err)
Example Extension
const keyPair = require('hypercore-crypto')
const pbs = require('protocol-buffers')
const KEY_PAIR_EXTENSION = 0xfed
const { KeyPair } = pbc(`
message KeyPair {
bytes id = 1;
bytes publicKey = 2;
bytes secretKey = 3;
const server = protocol()
const client = protocol()
server.extension(KEY_PAIR_EXTENSION, KeyPair)
client.extension(KEY_PAIR_EXTENSION, KeyPair)
server.on('extension', (req, type, buffer, reply) => {
if (KEY_PAIR_EXTENSION === type) {
reply(null, keyPair())
client.send(KEY_PAIR_EXTENSION, (err, res) => {