Turn your Discord server into a rss feed
Quick Start
Follow these two instructions to add a bot to your server.
- Create bot application
- Add bot to server
Rembember to select both bot
and applications.commands
for the OAuth2 URL generator.
You should note down the token
, client id
, public key
, and the server id
as they will be needed own the initial registration of slash commands.
npm i -g rssbot
rssbot register
rssbot run
If everything went well then the bot should be up and running and typing /rss
in any channel will show a list of all available commands.
Add RRS Feed To Channel
/rss add name url
should be uniqueurl:
usually just the base url with /rss or /feed
Remove RRS Feed From Channel
/rss rem name
Use In Your Own Project
npm i rssbot
const bot = new RSSBot("token")
Turn any site into a rssbot compatable source by extending the Feed
class SomeRandomSiteFeed extends Feed {
async _fetch(): Promise<Post> {
bot.addCustomFeed(new CustomSiteFeed())
The custom feed will then be available with
/feed add name