affixHeader | boolean,number | Affix the table header to the specified position on the page |
affixHorizontalScrollbar | boolean,number | Affix the table horizontal scrollbar to the specified position on the page |
autoHeight | boolean | The height of the table will be automatically expanded according to the number of data rows, and no vertical scroll bar will appear |
bordered | boolean | Show border |
cellBordered | boolean | Show cell border |
data * | object[] | Table data |
defaultExpandAllRows | boolean | Expand all nodes By default |
defaultExpandedRowKeys | string[] | Specify the default expanded row by rowkey |
defaultSortType | enum: 'desc', 'asc' | Sort type |
expandedRowKeys | string[] | Specify the default expanded row by rowkey (Controlled) |
fillHeight | boolean | Force the height of the table to be equal to the height of its parent container. Cannot be used together with autoHeight. |
headerHeight | number(40) | Table Header Height |
height | number(200) | Table height |
hover | boolean (true) | The row of the table has a mouseover effect |
isTree | boolean | Show as Tree table |
loading | boolean | Show loading |
locale | object: { emptyMessage: ('No data') , loading: ('Loading...') } | Messages for empty data and loading states |
minHeight | number (0) | Minimum height |
onExpandChange | (expanded:boolean,rowData:object)=>void | Tree table, the callback function in the expanded node |
onRowClick | (rowData:object, event: SyntheticEvent)=>void | Click the callback function after the row and return to rowDate |
onRowContextMenu | (rowData:object, event: SyntheticEvent)=>void | Invoke the callback function on contextMenu and pass the rowData |
onScroll | (scrollX:object, scrollY:object)=>void | Callback function for scroll bar scrolling |
onSortColumn | (dataKey:string, sortType:string)=>void | Click the callback function of the sort sequence to return the value sortColumn , sortType |
renderEmpty | (info: React.ReactNode) => React.ReactNode | Customized data is empty display content |
renderLoading | (loading: React.ReactNode) => React.ReactNode | Customize the display content in the data load |
renderRow | (children?: ReactNode, rowData?: RowDataType) => ReactNode | Custom row element |
renderRowExpanded | (rowDate?: Object) => React.ReactNode | Customize what you can do to expand a zone |
renderTreeToggle | (icon:node,rowData:object,expanded:boolean)=> node | Tree table, the callback function in the expanded node |
rowClassName | string , (rowData:object, rowIndex:number)=>string | Add an optional extra class name to row |
rowExpandedHeight | number (100) | Set the height of an expandable area |
rowHeight | number(46) , (rowData: object) => number | Row height |
rowKey | string ('key') | Each row corresponds to the unique key in data |
rtl | boolean | Right to left |
shouldUpdateScroll | boolean,(event)=>({x,y}) (true) | Use the return value of shouldUpdateScroll to determine whether to update the scroll after the table size is updated. |
showHeader | boolean (true) | Display header |
sortColumn | string | Sort column name ˝ |
sortType | enum: 'desc', 'asc' | Sort type (Controlled) |
virtualized | boolean | Effectively render large tabular data |
width | number | Table width |
wordWrap | boolean,'break-all','break-word','keep-all' | Whether to appear line breaks where text overflows its content box. |