Re-project a map to a globe with WebGL
The latitude and longitude under each pixel is computed via the inverse
General Perspective Projection,
following the equations in John Snyder's
Map Projections, A Working Manual.
When the point of perspective is close to the surface of the sphere, Snyder's
exact equations are replaced by series approximations. These approximations
are numerically more robust in single-precision floating point math, as used
by WebGL. See
Robust Raster Reprojection
for details on the approximations.
Check out the
live example
using tiles from Stamen Maps.
satellite-view is provided as an ESM module import.
import * as satelliteView from 'satellite-view';
satelliteView.init takes a parameters object with the following properties:
- gl: (REQUIRED) An extended WebGL rendering context, as returned by the
getExtendedContext method from yawgl
- globeRadius: The (floating point) radius of the spherical Earth. Units must
match the units of the altitude in the camPos array supplied to the draw
method. Default: 6371 (km).
- map: (REQUIRED) An object with the following properties, OR an array of
objects where each element has the following properties:
- canvas: an HTML Canvas element containing a map image
- camPos: a 2-element array containing the map coordinates of the camera
position. Map coordinates range from [0, 0] at the top left corner of the
Canvas to [1, 1] at the bottom right
- scale: a 2-element array containing the scales of the current map relative
to a map covering the whole world
- changed: a (Boolean) flag indicating whether the map image has changed
since the last draw call
- pixelRatio: Ratio of the pixel size of the rendered image (drawingbuffer
size) to the CSS display size of the container. Default:
window.devicePixelRatio. Note: if a value is supplied, the pixel ratio
will remain constant across draw calls. The default behavior will update
the pixel ratio when window.devicePixelRatio changes
Initialization returns an object with the following properties and methods:
: Link to the Canvas element on which the view is rendereddraw(camPos, maxRayTan, camMoving)
: Renders the globe on the Canvas.
- camPos: a 3-element array containing the longitude, latitude, altitude of
the camera. Longitude and latitude are in radians. Altitude is in the same
units as the supplied globe radius.
- maxRayTan: a 2-element array containing the maximum ray tangents at the
corners of the camera sensor. The values are the tangents of half the field
of view angles:
- maxRayTan[0] = tan(FOV_x / 2)
- maxRayTan[1] = tan(FOV_y / 2)
- camMoving: a (Boolean) flag indicating whether the camera position has
changed since the last draw call
: sets pixelRatio to the supplied constant value