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ScrollHub turns any server into a place where people can instantly launch unlimited new (ephemeral) website powered by Scroll.

  • 0.26.0
  • npm
  • Socket score

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ScrollHub: The fastest way to publish @media print {.doNotPrint {display: none !important;}} /* gazette.css scrollHubStyle.css ./ide/codeMirror.css */ :root { /* Base Colors */ --scrollPrimaryRgb: 10, 92, 202; /* Base primary button */ --scrollSurfaceRgb: 204, 204, 204; /* Base surface */ --scrollTextBase: 0, 0, 0; --scrollLinkBase: 51, 102, 204; /* Semantic Colors */ --scrollColorBackground: rgb(244, 244, 244); --scrollColorText: rgba(var(--scrollTextBase), 1); --scrollColorLink: rgb(var(--scrollLinkBase), 1); --scrollColorSubdued: rgb(150, 150, 150);

/* Typography */ --scrollFontPrimary: Exchange, Georgia, serif; --scrollFontUi: "SF Pro", "Helvetica Neue", "Segoe UI", "Arial"; --scrollFontMono: monospace; --scrollBaseFontSize: 16px;

/* Derived Colors */ --scrollColorPrimary: rgba(var(--scrollPrimaryRgb), 0.8); --scrollColorPrimaryHover: rgba(var(--scrollPrimaryRgb), 0.9); --scrollColorPrimaryActive: rgb(var(--scrollPrimaryRgb));

--scrollColorSurface: rgba(var(--scrollSurfaceRgb), 0.4); --scrollColorSurfaceAlt: rgba(var(--scrollSurfaceRgb), 0.6); --scrollColorBorder: rgba(var(--scrollSurfaceRgb), 0.8); }

html, body, div, span, p, ol, ul, li, table, figure { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; vertical-align: baseline; border-spacing: 0; }

html { background-color: var(--scrollColorBackground); font-family: var(--scrollFontPrimary); color: var(--scrollColorText); font-size: var(--scrollBaseFontSize); hyphens: auto; }

html { height: 100%; }

figure { margin: 0; padding: 0; }

.dropcap:first-letter { font-size: 3rem; line-height: 0.9em; margin-right: 0.125rem; display: block; float: left; }

.dinkus { text-align: center; padding: 1rem; }

.dinkus span { vertical-align: sub; }

details { margin-top: 10px; }

summary { font-family: var(--scrollFontUi); cursor: pointer; }

.scrollCaptionedFigure { display: block; break-inside: avoid; max-width: 100%; text-align: center; }

.scrollCaptionedFigure img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; margin-top: 0.1875rem; }

.scrollCaptionedFigure figcaption { font-family: var(--scrollFontUi); font-size: 0.8rem; }

.scrollCaptionedFigure figcaption .scrollParagraph { margin-top: 0; }

.scrollCodeBlock { overflow: auto; font-size: 0.8rem; hyphens: none; white-space: pre; break-inside: avoid; display: block; margin: 0.5rem 0; padding: 0.5rem; border-radius: 0; position: relative; border-left: 0.5rem solid var(--scrollColorBorder); }

.codeWithHeader { break-inside: avoid-column; margin: 10px 0; }

.codeHeader { font-size: 80%; text-align: center; background: var(--scrollColorSurfaceAlt); border: 1px solid var(--scrollColorBorder); border-bottom: 0; margin-bottom: -7px; padding: 4px 2px; border-top-left-radius: 3px; border-top-right-radius: 3px; }

.scrollCodeBlock:hover .scrollCopyButton { opacity: 0.5; }

.scrollCodeBlock:hover .scrollCopyButton:hover { opacity: 0.8; }

.scrollCodeBlock:hover .scrollCopyButton:active { opacity: 1; }

.scrollCopyButton { position: absolute; top: 0.125rem; right: 0.125rem; font-size: 0.875rem; cursor: pointer; opacity: 0; }

.scrollCopyButton::after { content: "[ ]"; }

.scrollCopiedButton::after { content: "[โœ“]"; }

ol, ul { padding-left: 1rem; }

li { margin-top: 0.4rem; line-height: 1.4; }

a { text-decoration-color: transparent; color: var(--scrollColorLink); }

a:hover { text-decoration-color: initial; }

.scrollButton { background: linear-gradient(180deg, var(--scrollColorPrimary) 0%, color-mix(in srgb, var(--scrollColorPrimary), black 15%) 100%); border-radius: 6px; color: white; padding: 10px 20px; display: inline-block; border: 0; cursor: pointer; transition: all 0.2s ease; transform: translateY(0); /* Halved shadow distances / box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), / Ambient shadow (halved) / 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) inset, / Top highlight / 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset, / Bottom shadow (halved) / 0 1.5px 0 color-mix(in srgb, var(--scrollColorPrimary), black 30%); / 3D base (halved) */ }

.scrollButton a { color: white; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: 0 0.5px 0.5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); /* Text depth (halved) */ }

.scrollButton:hover { background: linear-gradient(180deg, color-mix(in srgb, var(--scrollColorPrimary), white 10%) 0%, var(--scrollColorPrimary) 100%); transform: translateY(-1px); /* Halved / box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), / Halved / 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) inset, 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset, 0 2.5px 0 color-mix(in srgb, var(--scrollColorPrimary), black 30%); / Halved */ }

.scrollButton:active { background: linear-gradient(180deg, color-mix(in srgb, var(--scrollColorPrimary), black 10%) 0%, var(--scrollColorPrimary) 100%); transform: translateY(1px); /* Halved / box-shadow: 0 0.5px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), / Halved / 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) inset, 0 -0.5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset, 0 0.5px 0 color-mix(in srgb, var(--scrollColorPrimary), black 30%); / Halved */ } sup, sub { vertical-align: baseline; position: relative; top: -0.375rem; }

sub { top: 0.375rem; }

p { margin-top: 0.4rem; line-height: 1.4rem; }

.scrollQuote { break-inside: avoid; display: block; margin: 0.5rem 0; padding: 0.5rem; background: var(--scrollColorSurface); white-space: pre-line; border-left: 0.5rem solid var(--scrollColorBorder); }

code { font-family: var(--scrollFontMono); font-size: 0.9rem; background-color: var(--scrollColorSurface); padding: 0.125rem 0.25rem; border-radius: 0.25rem; }

.scrollParagraph { text-align: justify; }

center .scrollParagraph { text-align: center; }

.subdued { color: var(--scrollColorSubdued); }

.scrollColumns { column-count: auto; column-fill: balance; column-width: 35ch; column-gap: 1.5rem; padding-left: 1.25rem; padding-right: 1.25rem; margin: auto; }

.scrollSnippetContainer { padding: 1ch 0; break-inside: avoid; text-align: justify; }

h1, h2, h3, h4 { margin: 0.625rem 0; }

h1 { font-size: 1.25rem; }

h2 { font-size: 1.125rem; }

h3, h4 { font-size: 1rem; }

h1.scrollTitle { text-align: center; margin: auto; margin-bottom: 0.15625rem; margin-top: 0; font-size: 1.75rem; max-width: calc(100vw - 2 * (1.5625rem + 1.875rem)); }

h1.scrollTitle a { color: var(--scrollColorText); }

.scrollDateline { font-style: italic; line-height: 1.4rem; font-size: 0.75rem; }

.scrollSection { break-inside: avoid; }

.scrollSection h1, .scrollSection h2, .scrollSection h3, .scrollSection h4 { text-align: center; }

h4.scrollQuestion { text-align: left; margin: 1.4rem 0 0 0; }

.scrollSection:first-child h1, .scrollSection:first-child h2, .scrollSection:first-child h3, .scrollSection:first-child h4 { margin-top: 0; }

.scrollSection:first-child h4.scrollQuestion { margin-top: 0; }

.scrollNoteLink { opacity: 0.4; text-decoration: none; }

.scrollNoteLink:hover { opacity: 1; }

.scrollFootNoteUsageLink { opacity: 0.7; text-decoration: none; }

.scrollFootNoteUsageLink:hover { opacity: 1; }

.scrollHoverNote { text-decoration: underline dashed 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); cursor: default; }

.scrollTable { table-layout: fixed; font-family: var(--scrollFontUi); margin: 0.5rem 0; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0.8rem; width: 100%; hyphens: none; border: 1px solid var(--scrollColorBorder); }

.scrollTable td, .scrollTable th { padding: 0.1875rem; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; }

.scrollTable th { text-transform: capitalize; border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); text-align: left; }

.scrollTable tr:nth-child(even) { background: var(--scrollColorSurface); }

.scrollTable pre { white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; margin: 0; }

.scrollTable.expandedTable { table-layout: unset; background: white; position: relative; z-index: 10; overflow: unset; }

.scrollTable.expandedTable pre { white-space: unset; overflow: unset; }

.scrollTable.expandedTable td, .scrollTable.expandedTable th { overflow: unset; white-space: unset; }

.scrollByLine { font-size: 0.875rem; font-style: italic; margin: 0.25rem 0; text-align: center; }

.abstractTextLinkParser { text-align: center; margin: 0.5em auto; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: 100; }

.abstractTextLinkParser a { color: var(--scrollColorBorder); }

.abstractTextLinkParser a:hover { color: #333; }

.scrollContinueReadingLink { display: block; text-align: center; }

.scrollDashboard { width: 100%; font-size: 1.875rem; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; break-inside: avoid; margin-top: 0.5rem; margin-bottom: 0.5rem; }

.scrollDashboard td { width: 33.3%; border: 1px solid #e8e8e8; }

.scrollDashboard span { font-size: 1.25rem; display: block; }

.scrollChat span { font-family: Verdana; margin-top: 0.3125rem; padding: 0.3125rem 1.25rem; border-radius: 0.9375rem; display: inline-block; }

.scrollChatLeft span { background: var(--scrollColorSurface); }

.scrollChatRight span { color: white; background: rgb(0, 132, 255); }

.scrollYouTubeHolder { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 0; padding-bottom: 56.25%; }

.scrollYouTubeEmbed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } nav ul { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; } nav li { padding: 0 10px; }

:root { --primary-color: #4a90e2; --secondary-color: #50c878; --background-color: #f5f5f5; --text-color: #333; --form-background: #ffffff; --border-color: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.8); --hover-color: rgba(114, 114, 114, 1); --light-grey: rgba(144, 144, 144, 0.8); --shadow-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); --hover-bg-color: rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.3); --border-light: #ddd; }

/* Scroll Template Styles */ .CodeMirror { border-radius: 8px; border: 1px solid var(--border-color); }

body { font-family: "Arial", sans-serif; color: var(--text-color); background-color: var(--background-color); margin: 0; padding: 10px; height: 100%; }

.selectedFile { font-weight: bold; }

#errorMessage { color: red; flex: 100%; padding: 30px 8px 0; display: none; }

.greyText, .greyText a { color: var(--light-grey); text-align: center; font-size: 0.8rem; white-space: pre; font-family: monospace; margin: auto; padding: 0.5rem; }

.folderActionLink { color: var(--light-grey); } .deleteLink, .renameLink { color: var(--light-grey); margin-left: 20px; cursor: pointer; }

.drag-over { border: 2px dashed var(--primary-color); background-color: rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.1); }

#previewIFrame { height: 600px; width: 400px; border: 0; transform: scale(0.5); transform-origin: 0 0; }

#folderName { outline: none; }

.iframeHolder { width: 200px; height: 125px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px 2px var(--shadow-color); border-radius: 8px; margin: 10px; display: inline-block; position: relative; overflow: hidden; }

#fileList { margin: 0 10px; max-height: 360px; max-width: 200px; overflow: auto; }

.nonScrollFile { color: grey; } .untracked { opacity: 0.5; }

.createFileButton { cursor: pointer; padding: 1px 10px; margin: 8px; border-radius: 5px; display: inline-block; text-align: center; }

.createFileButton:hover { background-color: var(--hover-bg-color); }

form { background-color: var(--form-background); padding: 40px; border-radius: 8px; box-shadow: 0 2px 4px var(--shadow-color); display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-between; align-items: top; margin: 0 auto; max-width: 600px; }

#importForm { margin-top: 20px; }

#editForm { max-width: 1025px; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; padding: 0; }

.editorHolder { border-left: 1px solid rgb(232, 232, 232); padding: 7px; }

input[type="text"], textarea { flex-grow: 1; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid var(--border-light); border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px; font-size: 16px; }

textarea { width: 80ch; max-width: 100%; }

.CodeMirror { border: 0; }

.scrollButton.createButton { padding: 10px 20px; border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; font-size: 16px; margin: 0; }

.publishButton { margin-top: 7px; border-radius: 4px; }

/* Responsive adjustments */ @media (max-width: 600px) { body { padding: 10px; } form { flex-direction: column; align-items: stretch; } input[type="text"] { border-radius: 4px; margin-bottom: 10px; } }

#spinner { position: fixed; top: 0; text-align: center; left: 0; right: 0; }

#spinner span { color: grey; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); border: 1px solid grey; padding: 0 10px 2px 10px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; }

/* BASICS */

.CodeMirror { /* Set height, width, borders, and global font properties here */ font-family: monospace; height: 300px; color: black; direction: ltr; }


.CodeMirror-lines { padding: 4px 0; /* Vertical padding around content / } .CodeMirror pre { padding: 0 4px; / Horizontal padding of content */ }

.CodeMirror-scrollbar-filler, .CodeMirror-gutter-filler { background-color: white; /* The little square between H and V scrollbars */ }

/* GUTTER */

.CodeMirror-gutters { border-right: 1px solid #ddd; background-color: #f7f7f7; white-space: nowrap; } .CodeMirror-linenumbers { } .CodeMirror-linenumber { padding: 0 3px 0 5px; min-width: 20px; text-align: right; color: #999; white-space: nowrap; }

.CodeMirror-guttermarker { color: black; } .CodeMirror-guttermarker-subtle { color: #999; }

/* CURSOR */

.CodeMirror-cursor { border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: none; width: 0; } /* Shown when moving in bi-directional text */ .CodeMirror div.CodeMirror-secondarycursor { border-left: 1px solid silver; } .cm-fat-cursor .CodeMirror-cursor { width: auto; border: 0 !important; background: #7e7; } .cm-fat-cursor div.CodeMirror-cursors { z-index: 1; } .cm-fat-cursor-mark { background-color: rgba(20, 255, 20, 0.5); -webkit-animation: blink 1.06s steps(1) infinite; -moz-animation: blink 1.06s steps(1) infinite; animation: blink 1.06s steps(1) infinite; } .cm-animate-fat-cursor { width: auto; border: 0; -webkit-animation: blink 1.06s steps(1) infinite; -moz-animation: blink 1.06s steps(1) infinite; animation: blink 1.06s steps(1) infinite; background-color: #7e7; } @-moz-keyframes blink { 0% { } 50% { background-color: transparent; } 100% { } } @-webkit-keyframes blink { 0% { } 50% { background-color: transparent; } 100% { } } @keyframes blink { 0% { } 50% { background-color: transparent; } 100% { } }

/* Can style cursor different in overwrite (non-insert) mode */ .CodeMirror-overwrite .CodeMirror-cursor { }

.cm-tab { display: inline-block; text-decoration: inherit; }

.CodeMirror-rulers { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: -50px; bottom: -20px; overflow: hidden; } .CodeMirror-ruler { border-left: 1px solid #ccc; top: 0; bottom: 0; position: absolute; }


.cm-s-default .cm-header { color: blue; } .cm-s-default .cm-quote { color: #090; } .cm-negative { color: #d44; } .cm-positive { color: #292; } .cm-header, .cm-strong { font-weight: bold; } .cm-em { font-style: italic; } .cm-link { text-decoration: underline; } .cm-strikethrough { text-decoration: line-through; }

.cm-s-default .cm-keyword { color: #708; } .cm-s-default .cm-atom { color: #219; } .cm-s-default .cm-number { color: #164; } .cm-s-default .cm-def { color: #00f; } .cm-s-default .cm-variable, .cm-s-default .cm-punctuation, .cm-s-default .cm-property, .cm-s-default .cm-operator { } .cm-s-default .cm-variable-2 { color: #05a; } .cm-s-default .cm-variable-3, .cm-s-default .cm-type { color: #085; } .cm-s-default .cm-comment { color: #a50; } .cm-s-default .cm-string { color: #a11; } .cm-s-default .cm-string-2 { color: #f50; } .cm-s-default .cm-meta { color: #555; } .cm-s-default .cm-qualifier { color: #555; } .cm-s-default .cm-builtin { color: #30a; } .cm-s-default .cm-bracket { color: #997; } .cm-s-default .cm-tag { color: #170; } .cm-s-default .cm-attribute { color: #00c; } .cm-s-default .cm-hr { color: #999; } .cm-s-default .cm-link { color: #00c; }

.cm-s-default .cm-error { color: #f00; } .cm-invalidchar { color: #f00; }

.CodeMirror-composing { border-bottom: 2px solid; }

/* Default styles for common addons */

div.CodeMirror span.CodeMirror-matchingbracket { color: #0b0; } div.CodeMirror span.CodeMirror-nonmatchingbracket { color: #a22; } .CodeMirror-matchingtag { background: rgba(255, 150, 0, 0.3); } .CodeMirror-activeline-background { background: #e8f2ff; }

/* STOP */

/* The rest of this file contains styles related to the mechanics of the editor. You probably shouldn't touch them. */

.CodeMirror { position: relative; overflow: hidden; background: white; }

.CodeMirror-scroll { overflow: scroll !important; /* Things will break if this is overridden / / 30px is the magic margin used to hide the element's real scrollbars / / See overflow: hidden in .CodeMirror / margin-bottom: -30px; margin-right: -30px; padding-bottom: 30px; height: 100%; outline: none; / Prevent dragging from highlighting the element */ position: relative; } .CodeMirror-sizer { position: relative; border-right: 30px solid transparent; }

/* The fake, visible scrollbars. Used to force redraw during scrolling before actual scrolling happens, thus preventing shaking and flickering artifacts. */ .CodeMirror-vscrollbar, .CodeMirror-hscrollbar, .CodeMirror-scrollbar-filler, .CodeMirror-gutter-filler { position: absolute; z-index: 6; display: none; } .CodeMirror-vscrollbar { right: 0; top: 0; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: scroll; } .CodeMirror-hscrollbar { bottom: 0; left: 0; overflow-y: hidden; overflow-x: scroll; } .CodeMirror-scrollbar-filler { right: 0; bottom: 0; } .CodeMirror-gutter-filler { left: 0; bottom: 0; }

.CodeMirror-gutters { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; min-height: 100%; z-index: 3; } .CodeMirror-gutter { white-space: normal; height: 100%; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; margin-bottom: -30px; } .CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper { position: absolute; z-index: 4; background: none !important; border: none !important; } .CodeMirror-gutter-background { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 4; } .CodeMirror-gutter-elt { position: absolute; cursor: default; z-index: 4; } .CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper ::selection { background-color: transparent; } .CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper ::-moz-selection { background-color: transparent; }

.CodeMirror-lines { cursor: text; min-height: 1px; /* prevents collapsing before first draw / } .CodeMirror pre { / Reset some styles that the rest of the page might have set */ -moz-border-radius: 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0; border-radius: 0; border-width: 0; background: transparent; font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; margin: 0; white-space: pre; word-wrap: normal; line-height: inherit; color: inherit; z-index: 2; position: relative; overflow: visible; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; -webkit-font-variant-ligatures: contextual; font-variant-ligatures: contextual; } .CodeMirror-wrap pre { word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap; word-break: normal; }

.CodeMirror-linebackground { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 0; }

.CodeMirror-linewidget { position: relative; z-index: 2; padding: 0.1px; /* Force widget margins to stay inside of the container */ }

.CodeMirror-widget { }

.CodeMirror-rtl pre { direction: rtl; }

.CodeMirror-code { outline: none; }

/* Force content-box sizing for the elements where we expect it */ .CodeMirror-scroll, .CodeMirror-sizer, .CodeMirror-gutter, .CodeMirror-gutters, .CodeMirror-linenumber { -moz-box-sizing: content-box; box-sizing: content-box; }

.CodeMirror-measure { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; }

.CodeMirror-cursor { position: absolute; pointer-events: none; } .CodeMirror-measure pre { position: static; }

div.CodeMirror-cursors { visibility: hidden; position: relative; z-index: 3; } div.CodeMirror-dragcursors { visibility: visible; }

.CodeMirror-focused div.CodeMirror-cursors { visibility: visible; }

.CodeMirror-selected { background: #d9d9d9; } .CodeMirror-focused .CodeMirror-selected { background: #d7d4f0; } .CodeMirror-crosshair { cursor: crosshair; } .CodeMirror-line::selection, .CodeMirror-line > span::selection, .CodeMirror-line > span > span::selection { background: #d7d4f0; } .CodeMirror-line::-moz-selection, .CodeMirror-line > span::-moz-selection, .CodeMirror-line > span > span::-moz-selection { background: #d7d4f0; }

.cm-searching { background-color: #ffa; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.4); }

/* Used to force a border model for a node */ .cm-force-border { padding-right: 0.1px; }

@media print { /* Hide the cursor when printing */ .CodeMirror div.CodeMirror-cursors { visibility: hidden; } }

/* See issue #2901 */ .cm-tab-wrap-hack:after { content: ""; }

/* Help users use markselection to safely style text background */ span.CodeMirror-selectedtext { background: none; }

.CodeMirror-hints { position: absolute; z-index: 10; overflow: hidden; list-style: none;

margin: 0; padding: 2px;

-webkit-box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); -moz-box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 3px; border: 1px solid silver;

background: white; font-size: 90%; font-family: monospace;

max-height: 20em; overflow-y: auto; }

.CodeMirror-hint { margin: 0; padding: 0 4px; border-radius: 2px; white-space: pre; color: black; cursor: pointer; }

li.CodeMirror-hint-active { background: #08f; color: white; }

.abstractIconButtonParser {position:absolute;top:0.25rem; }.abstractIconButtonParser svg {fill: rgba(204,204,204,.8);width:1.875rem;height:1.875rem; padding: 0 7px;} .abstractIconButtonParser:hover svg{fill: #333;} .abstractIconButtonParser {position:absolute;top:0.25rem; }.abstractIconButtonParser svg {fill: rgba(204,204,204,.8);width:1.875rem;height:1.875rem; padding: 0 7px;} .abstractIconButtonParser:hover svg{fill: #333;}

ScrollHub: The fastest way to publish

Release Notes ยท Docs ยท Readme

ScrollHub is a super server for publishing websites, scientific articles, blog posts, books, and more.

It is the fastest way to publish. Don't take my word for it, try for yourself here:

Run your own ScrollHub in 60 seconds

Follow the steps below to run your own ScrollHub server in 60 seconds!

  1. Launch a new Ubuntu Droplet on Digital Ocean (or your cloud provider of choice)
  2. SSH into your new server and run this oneliner:
apt install make zip && git clone && cd n && make install && n latest && cd && git clone && cd ScrollHub && npm install . && npm install scroll-cli pm2 prettier -g && git config --global receive.denyCurrentBranch updateInstead && pm2 start server.js --node-args="--max-old-space-size=4096" --log ~/ScrollHub/pm2.log && pm2 startup && pm2 save

Optional steps:

  • Create a DNS A Record pointing from your domain or subdomain to your new server.

Torify your site with an onion domain:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y tor && echo -e "HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hiddenservice/\nHiddenServicePort 80" | sudo tee -a /etc/tor/torrc && sudo systemctl restart tor && sudo cat /var/lib/tor/hiddenservice/hostname

ScrollHub is public domain.


Package last updated on 09 Nov 2024

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