ScrollHub: The fastest way to publish. Run your own ScrollHub in 60 seconds.
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ScrollHub: The fastest way to publish
ScrollHub is a super server for publishing websites, scientific articles, blog posts, books, and more.
It is the fastest way to publish. Don't take my word for it, try for yourself here:
Run your own ScrollHub in 60 seconds
Follow the steps below to run your own ScrollHub server in 60 seconds!
- Launch a new Ubuntu Droplet on Digital Ocean (or your cloud provider of choice)
- SSH into your new server and run this oneliner:
apt install make zip && git clone && cd n && make install && n latest && cd && git clone && cd ScrollHub && npm install . && npm install scroll-cli pm2 -g && git config --global receive.denyCurrentBranch updateInstead && pm2 start server.js --log ~/ScrollHub/pm2.log && pm2 startup && pm2 save
Optional steps:
- Create a DNS A Record pointing from your domain or subdomain to your new server.
ScrollHub is public domain.