_Don't use this package yet, it is under development
The driving concept behind (de)serialization is a ModelSchema.
The configuration for how to (de)serialize plain JS structures to objects.
See also the examples below
A model schema simple looks like this:
const todoSchema = {
factory: (context) => new Todo(),
extends: ModelSchema,
props: {
modelfield: PropSchema
The factory
tells how to construct new instances durint deserialization.
's describe how individual properties are (de)serialized.
The props map from model fields, not from json fields
implementation details:
The context
parameter to the factory contains the parent
field (see the child
PropSchema), a
addDeserializationCallbackmethod (with synchronous functions that are run after the deserialization but before returning), and a
createCallback` funtion to create a new callback which will automatically be waited for until deserialization is completed.
createModelSchema(constructorFunc, props): ModelSchema
Convenient method to create a ModelSchema
The new modelschema will be returned, but also stored as static field on the constructor.
This allows to just pass class instances to serialize
without expicitly defining a model schema.
getDefaultModelSchema(modelObject | constructor): ModelSchema
setDefaultModelSchema(modelObject | constructor, ModelSchema)
serialize(modelSchema?, modelObject(s)): json(array)
Serializes an object according to the provided modelSchema, or the modelSchema that was stored on its constructor schema (see createModelSchema
deserialize(modelSchema, json(array), callback?): modelObject(s)
Deserialize directly returns the instantiated model objects for the root of the json. However, properties are allowed to
deserialize asynchronous (for example to fetch additional data). The callback will be invoked once the modelObjects have been constructed completely
Note: fields not present in json are also not updated
update(modelSchema?, modelObject(array), json(array), callback?)
Prop schema
A prop schema describes how a property should be (deserialized).
serializer: propValue => jsonValue
deserializer: (jsonValue, cb(err, propvalue), context?, oldValue?) => void
jsonname: aliased name
Built in prop schema's are:
For childs, the current object will be passed in as context.parent
object to the factory
ref(childAttribute, lookup: (id, cb: (err, res) => void, context) => void)
Serializes an object to just a reference. Note that for deserialization a lookup
method needs to be provided to restore the reference.
alias(PropSchema, jsonName)
Higher order propSchema, allows to use a different name in the json
TODO: or seperate field of a propSchema?
Higher order propSchema, indicates that this property is a list
Field decorator that adds a property to the ModelSchema of the current class
Creating custom prop schema's
A PropSchema is just an object with two fields, a serializer
and deserializer
serializer: (modelPropValue) => jsonValue
deserializer: (jsonValue) => modelValue
Deserializer should invoke the done
method after deserialization. This allows the deserialization process to be asynchronous and perform additional data fetch if needed.
See also deserialize
1. Plain schema with plain objects
const todoSchema = {
factory: () => {},
props: {
task: primitive(),
owner: ref("_userId", UserStore.findUserById)
subTasks: alias(list(child(todoSchema)), "children")
const todo = deserialize(todoSchema,
{ task: "grab coffee", owner: 17, children: [] },
(err, todo) => { console.log("finished loading todos") }
const todoJson = serialize(todoSchema, todo)
2. Create schema and store it on constructor
function Todo(parentTodo) {
this.parent = parentTodo;
const todoSchema = {
factory: (context) => new Todo(context.parent),
props: {
task: primitive(),
owner: ref("_userId", UserStore.findUserById)
subTasks: alias(list(child(todoSchema)), "children")
setDefaultModelSchema(Todo, todoSchema)
const todo = deserialize(Todo,
{ task: "grab coffee", owner: 17, children: [] },
(err, todos) => { console.log("finished loading todos") }
const todoJson = serialize(todo)
3. Create schema for simple argumentless constructors
function Todo() {
createModelSchema(Todo, {
task: primitive()
const todo = deserialize(Todo,
{ task: "grab coffee", owner: 17, children: [] },
(err, todos) => { console.log("finished loading todos") }
const todoJson = serialize(todo)
4. Create schema for simple argumentless constructors using decorators
class Todo {
task = "Grab coffee";
@serializable(ref("_userId", UserStore.findUserById))
owner = null;
@serializable(alias(list(child(todoSchema)), "children")
subTasks = [];
// note that (de)serialize also accepts lists
const todos = deserialize(Todo,
task: "grab coffee", owner: 17, children: []
(err, todos) => { console.log("finished loading todos") }
const todoJson = serialize(todos)
5. use custom factory methods to reuse model object instances
const someTodoStoreById = {}
getDefaultModelSchema(Todo).factory = (context, json) => {
if (someTodoStoreById[])
return someTodoStoreById[]
return someTodoStoreById[] = new Todo()