A tool to make invoking a series of shell commands safer & better-looking.
import shellac from 'shellac'
test('morty', async () =>
await shellac`
$ echo "End-to-end CLI testing made nice"
$ node -p "5 * 9"
stdout >> ${(answer) => expect(Number(answer)).toBeGreaterThan(40)}
Basic commands
await shellac`
// To execute a command, use $
$ my command here
// If you want the output piped through to process.stdout/err, use $$
$$ echo "This command will print to terminal"
// Use stdout/err and >> to check the output of the last command
stdout >> ${(last_cmd_stdout) => {
expect(last_cmd_stdout).toBe('This command will print to terminal')
Returning output
Shellac returns the stdout/err of the last command in a block as { stdout, stderr }
const { stdout, stderr } = await shellac`
$ echo "This command will run but its output will be lost"
$ echo "The last command executed returns its stdout/err"
expect(stdout).toBe('The last command executed returns its stdout/err')
You can also return named captures from a series of commands:
const { current_sha, current_branch } = await shellac`
$ git rev-parse --short HEAD
stdout >> current_sha
$ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
stdout >> current_branch
Or even convert it to JSON before doing so:
const { tsconfig } = await shellac`
$ cat package.json
json >> ${(package_json) => ... }
$ cat tsconfig.json
json >> tsconfig
You can use if ${ ... } { ... } else { ... }
to run conditionally based on the value of an interpolation:
await shellac`
if ${process.env.CLEAN_RUN} {
$ yarn create react-app
} else {
$ git reset --hard
$ git clean -df
$$ npx fab init -y
// ...
Changing directory
You can either use an in
await shellac`
// Change directory for the duration of the block:
in ${__dirname} {
$ pwd
stdout >> ${(cwd) => expect(cwd).toBe(__dirname)}
// By default we run in process.cwd()
$ pwd
stdout >> ${(cwd) => expect(cwd).toBe(process.cwd())}
// Relative paths work too:
$ mkdir -p subdir
in ./subdir {
$ pwd
stdout >> ${(cwd) => expect(cwd).toBe(path.join(process.cwd(), 'subdir'))}
$ mkdir -p nesting-ok
in "nesting-ok" {
$ pwd
stdout >> ${(cwd) =>
expect(cwd).toBe(path.join(process.cwd(), 'subdir', 'nesting-ok'))}
If the whole script needs to run in one place, use
import tmp from 'tmp-promise'
const dir = await tmp.dir()
$ pwd
stdout >> ${(cwd) => expect(cwd).toBe(dir.path)}
Background tasks
Shellac lets you run processes in the background, capturing the pid
and providing a promise
to wait on:
const { pid, promise } = await`
$$ for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; sleep 1; done
$$ echo DONE
console.log(`Currently running process: ${pid}`)
const { stdout } = await promise
Setting environment variables
By default, shellac passes through the PATH
environment variable and nothing else. You can override this by calling .env()
with a map of keys to values:
await shellac.env({ ENV_VAR: 'value' })`
$ echo $ENV_VAR
stdout >> ${(stdout) => expect(stdout).toBe('value')}
This can be chained with .in()
and .bg
, although .bg
must go last as it has a different return signature:
ENV_VAR: 'value'
$ sleep 1
$ echo $ENV_VAR
To pass through values from process.env
, we recommend combining shellac with just-pick
import pick from 'just-pick'
const { stdout } = await shellac.env(
pick(process.env, ['EDITOR', 'TMPDIR'])
$ env
Use the await
declaration to invoke & wait for some JS inline with your script. It works great when Bash doesn't quite do what you need.
import fs from 'fs-extra'
await ${async () => {
await fs.writeFile(path.join(cwd, 'bigfile.dat'), huge_data)
$ ls -l
stdout >> ${(files) => expect(files).toMatch('bigfile.dat')}
Interpolated commands
Inside a $
command you can use string interpolation like normal:
$ echo "${JSON.stringify({ current_sha, current_branch })}" > git_info.json
These can even be promises or async functions:
const getAllPackageNames = async () => {
// You can pass a promise and it will be awaited
$ yarn link ${getAllPackageNames()}
// ...
// Or pass an async function and shellac will call and await it
$ yarn unlink ${async () => getAllPackageNames()}
Persistence between commands
A shellac
call invokes a single instance of bash
for the duration, so changes you make are reflected later in the script:
await shellac`
$ echo $LOL
stdout >> ${(lol) => expect(lol).toBe('')}
$ LOL=boats
$ echo $LOL
stdout >> ${(lol) => expect(lol).toBe('boats')}
Note: the current working directory is only configured by
or the in ${} { ... }
const cwd = __dirname
const parent_dir = path.resolve(cwd, '..')
// Normal behaviour
$ pwd
stdout >> ${(pwd) => expect(pwd).toBe(cwd)}
// Has no effect on the remaining commands
$ cd ..
$ pwd
stdout >> ${(pwd) => expect(pwd).toBe(cwd)}
// If you want to change dir use in {}
in ${parent_dir} {
$ pwd
stdout >> ${(pwd) => expect(pwd).toBe(parent_dir)}
// Or do it on a single line
$ cd .. && pwd
stdout >> ${(pwd) => expect(pwd).toBe(parent_dir)}
// Joining commands with ; also works
$ cd ..; pwd
stdout >> ${(pwd) => expect(pwd).toBe(parent_dir)}
Non-zero exit codes
Just wrap your command in an exits
block if something is going to return a non-zero error:
await shellac`
$ touch a.file
$ rm a.file
exits {
$ rm a.file
exitcode >> ${(code) => expect(code).toBe(1)}
stderr >> ${(stderr) => expect(stderr).toContain('No such file or directory')}
Since verifying an exitcode is so common, you can use an exits(code)
block instead:
await shellac`
exits(2) {
$ node -e "process.exit(2)"
Note: an exits
block can have multiple lines but every line is asserted to return the specified exit code.
All these examples are valid, since // single-line-comments
are ignored as expected.
Works great with ts-jest:
import shellac from 'shellac'
describe('my CLI tool', () => {
it('should do everything I need', async () => {
await shellac`
$ echo "Hello, world!"
stdout >> ${(echo) => {
expect(echo).toBe('Hello, world!')
$ rm -rf working-dir
$ mkdir -p working-dir/example
$ cp -R fixtures/run-1/* working-dir/example
await ${async () => {
// generate some more test data
in ${'working-dir/example'} {
$ ls -l
stdout >> ${(files) => {
$ yarn
$$ run-app
Using CommonJS, import it like:
const test = require('ava')
const shellac = require('shellac').default
test('plugin should be installable', async (t) => {
await shellac.default`
$ echo "Hello, world!"
stdout >> ${(echo) => {, 'Hello, world!')
Use double-$ $$
for logging while the test runs:`
$$ ls -al
is the same as:`
$ ls -al
stdout >> ${console.log}
Confirm a file is present:
$ ls -l
stdout >> ${(files) => expect(files).toMatch('')}
To hack on the parser & source, run:
yarn dev
This will build the Parser (using reghex & babel) and the Runtime (using typescript) and watch for changes. Then, in another terminal
yarn test --watch
Add a test for what you're about to add, then hack the source until it passes!
for reghex which is genuinely incredible and the only reason this library is possible at all.
for coming up with the name!
, bats
, Expect
, cram
, aruba
for prior art.