Touch-friendly image lightbox for mobile and desktop with jQuery
bower install simplelightbox
npm install simplelightbox
Simple include simplelightbox.css and simple-lightbox.js to your page
var lightbox = $('.gallery a').simpleLightbox(options);
Property | Default | Type | Description |
overlay | true | bool | show an overlay or not |
spinner | true | bool | show spinner or not |
nav | true | bool | show arrow-navigation or not |
navText | ['←','→'] | array | text or html for the navigation arrows |
captions | true | bool | show captions if availabled or not |
captionSelector | 'img' | string | set the element where the caption is. Set it to "self" for the A-Tag itself |
captionType | 'attr' | string | how to get the caption. You can choose between attr, data or text |
captionsData | title | string | get the caption from given attribute |
captionPosition | 'bottom' | string | the position of the caption. Options are top, bottom or outside (note that outside can be outside the visible viewport!) |
captionDelay | 0 | int | adds a delay before the caption shows (in ms) |
close | true | bool | show the close button or not |
closeText | '×' | string | text or html for the close button |
showCounter | true | bool | show current image index or not |
fileExt | 'png|jpg|jpeg|gif' | regexp or false | list of fileextensions the plugin works with or false for disable the check |
animationSpeed | 250 | int | how long takes the slide animation |
animationSlide | true | bool | weather to slide in new photos or not, disable to fade |
preloading | true | bool | allows preloading next und previous images |
enableKeyboard | true | bool | allow keyboard arrow navigation and close with ESC key |
loop | true | bool | enables looping through images |
docClose | true | bool | closes the lightbox when clicking outside |
swipeTolerance | 50 | int | how much pixel you have to swipe, until next or previous image |
className: | 'simple-lightbox' | string | adds a class to the wrapper of the lightbox |
widthRatio: | 0.8 | float | Ratio of image width to screen width |
heightRatio: | 0.9 | float | Ratio of image height to screen height |
disableRightClick | false | bool | disable rightclick on image or not |
disableScroll | true | bool | stop scrolling page if lightbox is opened |
Name | Description |
open.simplelightbox | this event fires before the lightbox opens |
opened.simplelightbox | this event fires after the lightbox was opened |
close.simplelightbox | this event fires before the lightbox closes |
closed.simplelightbox | this event fires after the lightbox was closed |
$('.gallery a').on('open.simplelightbox', function () {
###Public Methods
Name | Description |
open | Opens the lightbox with an given jQuery Element |
close | Closes current openend Lightbox |
next | Go to next image |
prev | Go to previous image |
destroy | Destroys the instance of the lightbox |
var gallery = $('.gallery a').simpleLightbox();;
###Multiple Lightboxes on one page
You can have multiple lightboxes on one page, if you give them different selectors. Here is a small example:
var lightbox1 = $('.lighbox-1 a').simpleLightbox();
var lightbox2 = $('.lighbox-2 a').simpleLightbox();
1.7.0 - Add support for fading between photos, Bugfix for single image navigation, option for caption delay
1.6.0 - Option for caption position. Disable prev or next arrow if loop is false and position is first or last.
1.5.1 - Bugfix for multiple lightboxes on one page
1.5.0 - Added options for disabling rightclick and scrolling, changed default prev- and next-button text
1.4.6 - Option for fileExt can now be false to enable pictures like
1.4.5 - Bugfix lightbox opening does not work on mobile devices
1.4.4 - Bugfix no drag&drop in FF, changed default close text, only output data if lightbox is opened
1.4.3 - Bugfix z-index for spinner to low, added sass files
1.4.2 - Bugfix for issue #2 - Drop Event does not fire when mouse leaves window
1.4.1 - The whole caption Selector is rewritten. You can now select an element and get its text, use data or attribute
1.4.0 - Caption Attribute can now be what, you want, or data-title. Fixed some small issues
1.3.1 - Bugfix: disable keyboard control if lightbox is closed
1.3.0 - Added current index indicator/counter
1.2.0 - Added option for captions attribute (title or data-title)
1.1.2 - Bugfix for looping images
1.1.1 - Bugfix for loading indicator and removed a log-event
1.1.0 - Added classname for lightbox wrapper and width/height ratio
1.0.0 - Initial Release