:loud_sound: spotydrive

Synchronize your Spotify playlists offline as mp3 files.
spotydrive is a command line tool(cli-tool) that can keep your Spotify playlists synced offline as mp3 files.
To run this project, you need to have a local installation of FFmpeg present on your system. You can download it from https://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html
Installation via NPM
npm i -g spotydrive
Connect spotydrive to your Spotify account
spotydrive connect --provider spotify
Connect spotydrive to your YouTube account
spotydrive connect --provider youtube
Tell spotydrive to sync using your playlist uri
spotydrive sync-playlist spotify:user:spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DWXfi2vTRVTna
spotydrive will download each playlist track, on a folder with the name of the playlist.