This plugin uses json-schema-to-typescript to generate TS types based on Storyblok
You can install and run it as a CLI script
1. Prepare the use of this script
a) Fetch your schema with Storyblok CLI
# Make sure storyblok is installed (npm i storyblok -g)
$ storyblok pull-components --space=[SPACE_ID]
$ storyblok pull-components --space=123456
b) Install this library as devDependency
$ npm install -D storyblok-generate-ts
c) Create node script inside of your package.json scripts
"generate-sb-types": "storyblok-generate-ts source=./components.[SPACE_ID].json target=./component-types-sb"
"generate-sb-types": "storyblok-generate-ts source=./components.123456.json target=./component-types-sb"
You can also provide multiple files as source in case you used the --separate-files
flag with the pull-components
"generate-sb-types": "storyblok-generate-ts source=string hero-[SPACE_ID].json,footer-[SPACE_ID].json target=./component-types-sb"
"generate-sb-types": "storyblok-generate-ts source=string hero-123456.json,footer-123456.json target=./component-types-sb"
Properties of CLI
- source *required - path of the components.[SPACE_ID].json or multiple files as comma-separated string hero-[SPACE_ID].json,footer-[SPACE_ID].json
- target *optional default: storyblok-component-types.d.ts
- titlePrefix *optional default: '_storyblok'
- titleSuffix *optional
- resolveLinks *optional
- compilerOptions.[property] *optional
- customTypeParser *optional - path to a custom parser NodeJS file
Compiler options:
property | type | default | description |
unknownAny | boolean | false | Type any will be replaced with unknown where possible if true |
bannerComment | string | '' | Disclaimer comment prepended to the top of each generated file |
unreachableDefinitions | boolean | true | Generates code for $defs that aren't referenced by the schema. |
additionalProperties | boolean | true | Adding [k: string]: any ([k: string]: unknown if unknownAny:true ) to all object types (to nested ones too) when set to true |
enableConstEnums | boolean | true | Prepend enums with const ? |
format | boolean | true | Format code? Set this to false to improve performance. |
ignoreMinAndMaxItems | boolean | false | Ignore maxItems and minItems for array types, preventing tuples being generated. |
maxItems | number | 20 | Maximum number of unioned tuples to emit when representing bounded-size array types, before falling back to emitting unbounded arrays. Increase this to improve precision of emitted types, decrease it to improve performance, or set it to -1 to ignore maxItems . |
strictIndexSignatures | boolean | false | Append all index signatures with | undefined so that they are strictly typed. |
style | object | { bracketSpacing: false, printWidth: 120, semi: true, singleQuote: false, tabWidth: 2, trailingComma: 'none', useTabs: false } | A Prettier configuration |
cwd | string | process.cwd() | Root directory for resolving $ref s |
declareExternallyReferenced | boolean | true | Declare external schemas referenced via $ref ? |
$refOptions | object | {} | $RefParser Options, used when resolving $ref s |
Alternative to CLI script: create a NodeJS javascript file
const storyblokToTypescript = require('src/index')
componentsJson: require('./components.xxxxxx.json'),
path: __dirname + '/src/typings/generated/components-schema.ts',
titlePrefix: '',
titleSuffix: '_storyblok',
resolveLinks: "url",
compilerOptions: {
unknownAny: false,
bannerComment: '',
unreachableDefinitions: true
3. Run your script
$ node ./YOUR_SCRIPT_NAME.js
Example Custom Parser
function exampleCustomParser (key, obj) {
switch (obj.field_type) {
case 'bootstrap-utility-class-selector':
return {
[key]: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
values: {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'string'
case 'vue-color-picker':
return {
[key]: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
rgba: {
type: 'string'
return {}
Inspect your generated file
You can inspect all interfaces in the generated output of your file. From now on all your components blocks will be type safe (even if you use the custom blocks of Storyblok).
Generic Types
Following types are available for convenient reasons (if they are used in your component schema):
Resolve relations
If you use resolve_relations
you can simply extend your required schema to support fully typed relations.
Example: resolve_relations: ",page.categories,page.tags"
type PageWithRelations = PageStoryblok & {
author?: StoryData<AuthorStoryblok>
categories?: StoryData<CategoryStoryblok>[]
tags?: StoryData<TagStoryblok>[]
- 1.0.0 initial version
- 1.0.1 Added support for datetime and improved multilink
- 1.1.0 CLI support, for use check 1 c)
- 1.1.1 README update
- 1.2.0 Add types for multiasset
- 1.2.1 Improve type for asset and multiasset
- 1.3.0 Default custom map. Support
- 1.4.0 Allow empty string in options type (thanks to @jbeast)
- 1.5.0 De-Duplicate asset, multiasset and multilink (thanks to @markus-gx)
- 1.6.0 Add table schema (thanks to @markus-gx)
- 1.6.1 Add asset focus type (thanks to @markus-gx)
- 1.7.0 Add compilerOptions option (thanks to @SassNinja)
- 1.8.0 Use never[] on groups that have no members (thanks to @arduano)
- 1.9.0 Convert all files to TypeScript and add TypeScript declaration
- 1.10.0 Resolve typings of internal stories (thanks to @schaschjan)
- 1.10.2 Minor type adjustment for internal stories
- 1.11.0 Improve Payload of main script (thanks to @scmx)
- 1.12.0 Fixes an error when filter_content_type is not an array (thanks to @juanpasolano)
- 1.13.0 Merged multilink story fieldtype and single options (credits to @juanpasolano and @markus-gx)
- 1.13.1 Added tests and fix minor typing error (credits to @juanpasolano)
- 1.13.2 Fixed types
- 1.14.0 Enable multi-file support and add RichText typings (thanks to @VictorWinberg & @mattcrn)
- 1.15.0 Change Storyblok number type to "string" as the API does not return a number type (thanks to @davidhoeck)
- 2.0.0 Change of use of camelcase: now every title is used with camelcase which potentially breaks existing type names but fixes inconsistency