stylistic/color-hex-case Specify lowercase or uppercase for hex colors. | yes | Color |
stylistic/function-comma-newline-after Require a newline or disallow whitespace after the commas of functions. | yes | Function |
stylistic/function-comma-newline-before Require a newline or disallow whitespace before the commas of functions. | yes | Function |
stylistic/function-comma-space-after Require a single space or disallow whitespace after the commas of functions. | yes | Function |
stylistic/function-comma-space-before Require a single space or disallow whitespace before the commas of functions. | yes | Function |
stylistic/function-max-empty-lines Limit the number of adjacent empty lines within functions. | yes | Function |
stylistic/function-parentheses-newline-inside Require a newline or disallow whitespace on the inside of the parentheses of functions. | yes | Function |
stylistic/function-parentheses-space-inside Require a single space or disallow whitespace on the inside of the parentheses of functions. | yes | Function |
stylistic/function-whitespace-after Require or disallow whitespace after functions. | yes | Function |
stylistic/number-leading-zero Require or disallow a leading zero for fractional numbers less than 1. | yes | Number |
stylistic/number-no-trailing-zeros Disallow trailing zeros in numbers. | yes | Number |
stylistic/string-quotes Specify single or double quotes around strings. | yes | String |
stylistic/unit-case Specify lowercase or uppercase for units. | yes | Unit |
stylistic/value-list-comma-newline-after Require a newline or disallow whitespace after the commas of value lists. | yes | Value list |
stylistic/value-list-comma-newline-before Require a newline or disallow whitespace before the commas of value lists. | no | Value list |
stylistic/value-list-comma-space-after Require a single space or disallow whitespace after the commas of value lists. | yes | Value list |
stylistic/value-list-comma-space-before Require a single space or disallow whitespace before the commas of value lists. | yes | Value list |
stylistic/value-list-max-empty-lines Limit the number of adjacent empty lines within value lists. | yes | Value list |
stylistic/property-case Specify lowercase or uppercase for properties. | yes | Property |
stylistic/declaration-bang-space-after Require a single space or disallow whitespace after the bang of declarations. | yes | Declaration |
stylistic/declaration-bang-space-before Require a single space or disallow whitespace before the bang of declarations. | yes | Declaration |
stylistic/declaration-colon-newline-after Require a newline or disallow whitespace after the colon of declarations. | yes | Declaration |
stylistic/declaration-colon-space-after Require a single space or disallow whitespace after the colon of declarations. | yes | Declaration |
stylistic/declaration-colon-space-before Require a single space or disallow whitespace before the colon of declarations. | yes | Declaration |
stylistic/declaration-block-semicolon-newline-after Require a newline or disallow whitespace after the semicolons of declaration blocks. | yes | Declaration block |
stylistic/declaration-block-semicolon-newline-before Require a newline or disallow whitespace before the semicolons of declaration blocks. | no | Declaration block |
stylistic/declaration-block-semicolon-space-after Require a single space or disallow whitespace after the semicolons of declaration blocks. | yes | Declaration block |
stylistic/declaration-block-semicolon-space-before Require a single space or disallow whitespace before the semicolons of declaration blocks. | yes | Declaration block |
stylistic/declaration-block-trailing-semicolon Require or disallow a trailing semicolon within declaration blocks. | yes | Declaration block |
stylistic/block-closing-brace-empty-line-before Require or disallow an empty line before the closing brace of blocks. | yes | Block |
stylistic/block-closing-brace-newline-after Require a newline or disallow whitespace after the closing brace of blocks. | yes | Block |
stylistic/block-closing-brace-newline-before Require a newline or disallow whitespace before the closing brace of blocks. | yes | Block |
stylistic/block-closing-brace-space-after Require a single space or disallow whitespace after the closing brace of blocks. | no | Block |
stylistic/block-closing-brace-space-before Require a single space or disallow whitespace before the closing brace of blocks. | yes | Block |
stylistic/block-opening-brace-newline-after Require a newline after the opening brace of blocks. | yes | Block |
stylistic/block-opening-brace-newline-before Require a newline or disallow whitespace before the opening brace of blocks. | yes | Block |
stylistic/block-opening-brace-space-after Require a single space or disallow whitespace after the opening brace of blocks. | yes | Block |
stylistic/block-opening-brace-space-before Require a single space or disallow whitespace before the opening brace of blocks. | yes | Block |
stylistic/selector-attribute-brackets-space-inside Require a single space or disallow whitespace on the inside of the brackets within attribute selectors. | yes | Selector |
stylistic/selector-attribute-operator-space-after Require a single space or disallow whitespace after operators within attribute selectors. | yes | Selector |
stylistic/selector-attribute-operator-space-before Require a single space or disallow whitespace before operators within attribute selectors. | yes | Selector |
stylistic/selector-combinator-space-after Require a single space or disallow whitespace after the combinators of selectors. | yes | Selector |
stylistic/selector-combinator-space-before Require a single space or disallow whitespace before the combinators of selectors. | yes | Selector |
stylistic/selector-descendant-combinator-no-non-space Disallow non-space characters for descendant combinators of selectors. | yes | Selector |
stylistic/selector-max-empty-lines Limit the number of adjacent empty lines within selectors. | yes | Selector |
stylistic/selector-pseudo-class-case Specify lowercase or uppercase for pseudo-class selectors. | yes | Selector |
stylistic/selector-pseudo-class-parentheses-space-inside Require a single space or disallow whitespace on the inside of the parentheses within pseudo-class selectors. | yes | Selector |
stylistic/selector-pseudo-element-case Specify lowercase or uppercase for pseudo-element selectors. | yes | Selector |
stylistic/selector-list-comma-newline-after Require a newline or disallow whitespace after the commas of selector lists. | yes | Selector list |
stylistic/selector-list-comma-newline-before Require a newline or disallow whitespace before the commas of selector lists. | yes | Selector list |
stylistic/selector-list-comma-space-after Require a single space or disallow whitespace after the commas of selector lists. | yes | Selector list |
stylistic/selector-list-comma-space-before Require a single space or disallow whitespace before the commas of selector lists. | yes | Selector list |
stylistic/media-feature-colon-space-after Require a single space or disallow whitespace after the colon in media features. | yes | Media feature |
stylistic/media-feature-colon-space-before Require a single space or disallow whitespace before the colon in media features. | yes | Media feature |
stylistic/media-feature-name-case Specify lowercase or uppercase for media feature names. | yes | Media feature |
stylistic/media-feature-parentheses-space-inside Require a single space or disallow whitespace on the inside of the parentheses within media features. | yes | Media feature |
stylistic/media-feature-range-operator-space-after Require a single space or disallow whitespace after the range operator in media features. | yes | Media feature |
stylistic/media-feature-range-operator-space-before Require a single space or disallow whitespace before the range operator in media features. | yes | Media feature |
stylistic/media-query-list-comma-newline-after Require a newline or disallow whitespace after the commas of media query lists. | yes | Media query list |
stylistic/media-query-list-comma-newline-before Require a newline or disallow whitespace before the commas of media query lists. | no | Media query list |
stylistic/media-query-list-comma-space-after Require a single space or disallow whitespace after the commas of media query lists. | yes | Media query list |
stylistic/media-query-list-comma-space-before Require a single space or disallow whitespace before the commas of media query lists. | yes | Media query list |
stylistic/at-rule-name-case Specify lowercase or uppercase for at-rules names. | yes | At-rule |
stylistic/at-rule-name-newline-after Require a newline after at-rule names. | no | At-rule |
stylistic/at-rule-name-space-after Require a single space after at-rule names. | yes | At-rule |
stylistic/at-rule-semicolon-newline-after Require a newline after the semicolon of at-rules. | yes | At-rule |
stylistic/at-rule-semicolon-space-before Require a single space or disallow whitespace before the semicolons of at-rules. | no | At-rule |
stylistic/indentation Specify indentation. | yes | General / Sheet |
stylistic/linebreaks Specify unix or windows linebreaks. | yes | General / Sheet |
stylistic/max-empty-lines Limit the number of adjacent empty lines. | yes | General / Sheet |
stylistic/max-line-length Limit the length of a line. | no | General / Sheet |
stylistic/no-empty-first-line Disallow empty first lines. | yes | General / Sheet |
stylistic/no-eol-whitespace Disallow end-of-line whitespace. | yes | General / Sheet |
stylistic/no-extra-semicolons Disallow extra semicolons. | yes | General / Sheet |
stylistic/no-missing-end-of-source-newline Disallow missing end-of-source newlines. | yes | General / Sheet |
stylistic/unicode-bom Require or disallow Unicode BOM. | no | General / Sheet |