Svelte Copy
Ever wanted to copy something to clipboard? Say hello to Svelte Copy ✨
npm install svelte-copy -D
Let's make a button that when you click it copies Hello World
to the clipboard:
import { copy } from 'svelte-copy';
<button use:copy={'Hello World'}>
Click me!
There are some custom events you can use on elements that have the copy action:
This will fire when text is copied, you have access to the copied text if needed with event.detail
use:copy={'Hello from alert'}
on:svelte-copy={(event) => alert(event.detail)}>
Click to cause alert on copy
This event will fire if there is an error in copying to clipboard, you have access to the error with event.detail
use:copy={'Some text'}
on:svelte-copy:error="{(event) =>
alert(`There was an error: ${event.detail.message}`)}">
Click to cause alert on copy
Custom Triggers
By default, copy action is fired on click event. You can change this behavior by passing an object with the name or names of the events that you want to trigger the copy action.
use:copy={{ text: 'Hello' , events: ['touchstart', 'mouseenter']}}
on:svelte-copy={(event) => alert(event.detail)}>
Move cursor over button or touch button to cause alert on copy