
Detect device, and render view according to the detected device type.
When to use this library
This library uses a technique called user agent sniffing to detect device information. That means it works by examining the User Agent string given by a browser and comparing it to a list of browser and device names it knows about. This technique works, but has drawbacks and may or may not be the right approach, depending on what you're trying to achieve. If you need to detect a specific browser type (e.g. Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer) or specific category of device (e.g. all iPods), this library can do that.
You can use these flags to detect the device type.
interface DeviceType {
isMobile: boolean;
isBrowser: boolean;
isAndroid: boolean;
isIOS: boolean;
isSmartTV: boolean;
isConsole: boolean;
isWearable: boolean;
isEmbedded: boolean;
isMobileSafari: boolean;
isChromium: boolean;
isTablet: boolean;
isDesktop: boolean;
isWinPhone: boolean;
isChrome: boolean;
isFirefox: boolean;
isSafari: boolean;
isOpera: boolean;
isIE: boolean;
osVersion: string;
fullBrowserVersion: string;
browserVersion: string;
mobileVendor: string;
mobileModel: string;
getUA: string;
isEdge: boolean;
isYandex: boolean;
isIOS13: boolean;
isIPad13: boolean;
isIPhone13: boolean;
isIPod13: boolean;
isElectron: boolean;
isEdgeChromium: boolean;
isLegacyEdge: boolean;
isWindows: boolean;
isMacOs: boolean;
isMIUI: boolean;
isSamsungBrowser: boolean;
isWebView: boolean;
isCrawler: boolean;
interface DevicePayload extends DeviceType {
browserMajorVersion?: string;
browserFullVersion?: string;
browserName?: string;
engineName?: string;
engineVersion?: string;
osName?: string;
osVersion: string;
userAgent?: string;
vendor?: string;
model?: string;
os?: string;
ua?: string;
To install, you can use npm or yarn:
npm install sveltekit-device-detector --save
yarn add sveltekit-device-detector
Update your app.d.ts
file to look something like:
import type { DevicePayload } from 'sveltekit-device-detector/dist/types';
declare namespace App {
interface Locals {
deviceType: DevicePayload;
interface PageData {
deviceType: DevicePayload;
interface Platform {}
interface PrivateEnv {}
interface PublicEnv {}
Create a +layout.server.js file at the root and returning the DeviceType from there.
export const load = ({ locals }) => {
return {
deviceType: locals.deviceType
You'll now have access to the deviceType
data by using $
or via the parent
function from other +page.server.js
load functions.
import { page } from '$app/stores';
$: deviceType = $;
import { handleDeviceDetector } from 'sveltekit-device-detector';
export const handle = handleDeviceDetector({});
export const handle = handleSession({}, ({ event, resolve }) => {
return resolve(event);
In case you're using sequence(), do this
const deviceDetector = handleDeviceDetector({});
export const handle = sequence(deviceDetector, ({ resolve, event }) => {
return resolve(event);