[SWC plugin] mutable CJS exports

This is a SWC plugin to emit mutable CJS exports.
This SWC plugin has only been tested for compatibility with jest. It should be used with @swc/jest
This project was previously called jest_workaround
plugin version
npm i -D jest @swc/core @swc/jest swc_mut_cjs_exports
const fs = require("node:fs");
const swcrc = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(".swcrc", "utf8"));
((swcrc.jsc ??= {}).experimental ??= {}).plugins = [
["swc_mut_cjs_exports", {}],
module.exports = {
transform: {
"^.+\\.(t|j)sx?$": ["@swc/jest", swcrc],
Alternative implementation without .swcrc file
module.exports = {
transform: {
"^.+\\.(t|j)sx?$": [
jsc: {
experimental: {
plugins: [["swc_mut_cjs_exports", {}]],
Make sure that module.type
is commonjs
in your .swcrc
since this plugin
does not touch non-workaround parts, such as import statements.
1. When do I need this?
If you're using the swc compiler to transform your code to comply with the ESM
specification, but you're also using Jest to test it in a CJS environment, you
may encounter issues due to the immutable issue of exports
This plugin can help by transforming the export
statements into mutable
2. Do I have a better choice?
You may have other options depending on your specific needs:
If you're able to run Jest in an ESM environment, you can use swc to transpile
TypeScript/JSX syntax or downgrade JavaScript syntax without module
conversion. Simply set the value of module.type
to es6
to achieve this.
It's possible that some issues related to running Jest in an ESM environment
will be resolved over time. Keep an eye on
facebook/jest#9430 for
If you don't need the behavior of ESM specifically, you can stick with the CJS
syntax to get the CJS behavior of exports
These options may be worth considering before using this plugin.
CJS syntax
exports.foo = function foo() {
return 42;
CTS(CJS in TypeScript) syntax
export = {
foo: function foo() {
return 42;
- ESM style export means immutable exports when transformed into CJS
- ESM style import means hoisted require when transformed into CJS
3. After upgrading the plugin version, the changes have not taken effect.
This is a known issue. You could remove the Jest cache by running
jest --clearCache
as a workaround.