
This class represents a hierarchical tree of tagged (named) values.
This class is used heavily in
PageParserTree to implement the
API that users query for elements. This class is not specific to and knows
nothing about HTMLElements or MutationObservers specifically; it just manages
LiveSets of values that refer to each
other in a hierarchy. PageParserTree instantiates a TagTree and uses DOM APIs
itself to keep the TagTree populated.
This class has methods intended to vaguely resemble certain DOM APIs, but
whenever collections of values are returned, they're always LiveSets that can
be subscribed to for changes.
Examples of usage of TagTree instances can be seen in the
PageParserTree documentation.
class TagTree<T> extends TagTreeNode<T>
A TagTree instance has methods on it to find nodes anywhere in the tree no
matter what node owns them (getAll()
, getAllByTag(tag)
), and TagTree
extends TagTreeNode, so a TagTree is also the root node and has all methods of
a TagTreeNode too.
constructor({root: T, tags: Array<{tag: string, ownedBy?: ?Array<string>}>, executor: Function})
The root
value will be the value returned by calling getValue()
on the
TagTree instance.
must be an array of all tags that the TagTree will ever encounter. The
optional ownedBy
arrays must list what other tags a tag may own if it is to
own any.
The executor
function will be called with a TagTreeController instance used
to control the values in the TagTree. TagTrees are read-only without a
reference to their TagTreeController, just like how a Promise is read-only
without a reference to their resolve and reject functions.
getAllByTag(tag: string): LiveSet<TagTreeNode<T>>
Get a LiveSets of all nodes with the
given tag in the tree. The LiveSet may be subscribed to for changes.
getAll(): Map<string, LiveSet<TagTreeNode<T>>>
Get a Map of all tags to LiveSets of the nodes with that tag.
getNodesForValue(value: T): Array<TagTreeNode<T>>
Finds all nodes with the given value in a TagTree. Multiple nodes may be
returned if the value has been inserted into the TagTree with different tags.
A TagTreeNode has a value, a tag, a parent, and set of owned nodes that may be
The only documented way to get a TagTreeNode is from creating a TagTree or
using the TagTreeController's addTaggedValue(parent, tag, value)
method. The
TagTreeNode's constructor is not considered part of the public API and may
change between versions.
getValue(): T
Get the value this node was instantiated with.
getParent(): null|TagTreeNode<T>
Returns the parent node. Returns null
if this is the root node.
getOwnedByTag(tag: string): LiveSet<TagTreeNode<T>>
Get a LiveSet of all nodes with the given tag owned by this node.
getOwned(): Map<string, LiveSet<TagTreeNode<T>>>
Get a map of all owned tags to the LiveSets of owned nodes by that tag.
getTag(): null|string
Return the tag of this node. Returns null
if this is the root node.
ownsNode(node: TagTreeNode<T>): boolean
Returns whether this node owns the given node.
getTagOfOwnedNode(node: TagTreeNode<T>): string
It is an error to pass this function a node not owned.
This object contains methods for controlling the values stored in a TagTree.
This is a reference to the TagTree controlled by the TagTreeController.
addTaggedValue(parent: TagTreeNode<T>, tag: string, value: T): TagTreeNode<T>
Add a value to the TagTree. parent
must either be the root (the TagTree
itself) or a node whose tag that has the new node-to-be's tag
in its ownedBy
removeTaggedNode(parent: TagTreeNode<T>, tag: string, node: TagTreeNode<T>): void
Remove a node from its parent.
It is an error to pass this function a node
that is not owned by the parent
under the given tag
All nodes owned by this node will be removed from the tree too recursively.
end(): void
End all of the LiveSets managed by the TagTree. This will prevent any changes
from being made, and will cause all references to their subscribers to be
Both TypeScript and
Flow type definitions for this module are included!
The type definitions won't require any configuration to use.