Get tagged semver-compatible project versions [{ version, tag, hash, date }]

npm install tagged-versions --save
Supported Node versions: 5+
All project versions
Return all the tagged project versions:
const taggedVersions = require('tagged-versions');
return taggedVersions.getList()
.then(versions => console.log(versions));
You can optionally filter versions with a semver range:
const taggedVersions = require('tagged-versions');
return taggedVersions.getList('^1.1.0')
.then(versions => console.log(versions));
Or with a revision range:
const taggedVersions = require('tagged-versions');
return taggedVersions.getList({rev: 'v1.1.0..v1.2.0'})
.then(versions => console.log(versions));
Last project version
Return the last tagged project version:
const taggedVersions = require('tagged-versions');
return taggedVersions.getLastVersion()
.then(versions => console.log(version));
Like with getList
, you can also filter with a semver range:
const taggedVersions = require('tagged-versions');
return taggedVersions.getLastVersion('~1.1')
.then(versions => console.log(version));
Please follow the Airbnb guidelines and commit your changes with commitzen using git cz