Render dynamic data to your templatejslate without any engine. A pure javascript module without any dependency and further installation.
works using simple javascript function, high speedy and easy to use.
works with any file format including HTML. you can also include another files in your file using include() function (see below);
table of contents:
|_ #how to render string
|_ #how to render object.objectvalue
|_ #how to render specific index's value of an array
|_ #how to render all values looping through the whole array
|_ #how to render all values looping through an specific index of array
|_ #how to specify format of output (other elements around it or nesting it in other elements)
|_ #specify output to be UPPERCASE, Capitalized or lowercase
|_ #include another file inside a file or data
|_ #set default directory for files
|_ %tip : change the delimiter sign(%)
|_ %tip : shorthands for functions
|_ *demonstration : using with javascript in client side
$ npm install templatesjs
#how to render string
for examples below we will be rendering dynamic data to a HTML page
in our html page we must use a tag to call data , a templatesjs tag looks like <%keyword%>
note: you can change the delimiter that defines the tag (%)
examle HTML(index.html):::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
HELLO <%user %>
here we will replace the <%user%> tag with John Doe;
in node.js file :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
var templatesjs = require('templatesjs');
fs.readFile("./index.html", function(err,data){
if(err) through err
templatesjs.set(data); //you must set data once for each file, templatesjs works with the given data, not with the actual file;
var output = templatesjs.render("user", "John Doe");
this will print "HELLO John Doe" on the browser instead of <%user%>
#how to render object.objectvalue
we can also render array or object value as
HELLO <%user.name%>
var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");
var profile = {name:"John Doe",age:"18"}
var output = templatesjs.render("user", profile)
this will print "HELLO John Doe"
#how to render specific index's value of an array
for array:
HELLO <%user[0]%>
var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");
var profile =["John Doe", "18"]
var output = templatesjs.render("user", profile)
this will print "HELLO John Doe"
#how to render all values looping through the whole array
or all values of an array :
HELLO <%user[]%>
var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");
var profile =["John Doe", "18"]
var output = templatesjs.render("user", profile)
this will print "HELLO John Doe18"
#how to render all values looping through some specific index of array
all array values starting from an index to another one
HELLO <%user[2,5]%>
**in the bracket the first number indicates the index from where the values should start and the
** second one indicates the index of stopping point
var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");
var profile =["John", Doe", "18", "hello", "world", "JS"]
var output = templatesjs.render("user", profile)
this will print "18helloworldJS"
#how to specify format of output (other elements around it or nesting it in other elements)
suppose that we want a for each loop through our array values
using templatesjs it can be done like
<%user[] {<a href="user/*">*</a>}%>
**specify the format in curly braces
** all "*" sign will be replaced by the actual value with the format specified around it
var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");
var profiles =["John", Doe"]
var output = templatesjs.render("user", profiles)
output : <a href="user/John">John</a> <a href="user/Doe">Doe</a>
for a loop through specified indexes of an array in specified format
<%user[2,4] {<a href="user/*">*</a>}%>
**specify the format in curly braces
** all "*" sign will be replaced by the actual value with the format specified around it
var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");
var profiles =["John", Doe", "foo", "bar", "example"]
var output = templatesjs.render("user", profiles)
output : <a href="user/foo">foo</a> <a href="user/bar">bar</a> <a href="user/example">ecample</a>
or specify format for only one array index if you want
<%user[2] {<a href="user/*">*</a>}%>
**specify the format in curly braces
** all "*" sign will be replaced by the actual value with the format specified around it
var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");
var profiles =["John", Doe", "foo", "bar", "example"]
var output = templatesjs.render("user", profiles)
output : <a href="user/foo">foo</a>
#specify output to be UPPERCASE, Capitalized or lowercase
you can specify whether the output will be in UPPERCASE, lowercase, Capitalized using a third optional "case" param
in the templatesjs.render function
the case param supports three value "CASE", "Case", or "case"
"CASE" : for UPPERCASE output;
"Case" : for Capitalized output
"case" : for lowercase output
UPPERCASE: <%uUser%>
Capitalized: <%cUser%>
lowercase: <%lUser%>
var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");
var output = templatesjs.render("uUser", "john", "CASE") // "CASE" for UPPERCASE output
output = templatesjs.render("cUser", "doE", "Case") // "Case" for Capitalized output
output = templatesjs.render("user", "SMith", "CASE") // "case" for lowercase output
Capitalized: Doe
lowercase: smith
#include another file inside a file or data
the templatesjs also has an include feature which can be used to include file or templatejslate parts
just use the <%include%> tag in your file
<%include header.html%>
<h3>Header is above</h3>
<h1>content goes here : </h1>
<%include posts/content.html%> // the file is in ./post/ directory you can also use templatesjs.dir variable to set default
<h2>footer is below</h2>
<%include footer.html%>
no need to render anything in the node.js file, the files will be rendered automatixally when you
set data using templatesjs.set() function;
#set default directory for files
set default directory:
before you set data for templatesjs using the templatesjs.set() function you can set the default directory where templatesjs will
look for file it need to include ;
suppose that we have all our html files in the "public" directory
var templatesjs = require('templatesjs');
templatesjs.dir = "./public/" // this is just a variable ;
templatesjs.set("/*you data goes here*/");
%tip : change the delimiter sign(%)
Don't like to use the "%" sign to define tags in html page you can change them :D :D :D
use the templatesjs.delim() function
var md = require('templatesjs');
md.delim("$") // you can use any sign like ["!@#$%^&*"] or any combination like "#@" or "%$" or "*&" or "*!"
%tip : shorthands for functions
another TIP:
are function names too long? there are shorthands availabe :D :D :D
function can also be used as
........ ...........
set() s()
set() setData()
set() sd()
set() setdata()
render() ren()
render() r()
render() rn
delim() delimier()
delim() del()
delim() d()
*demonstration : using with javascript in client side
Exceptional Demonstration :
just have a look through the following code snippet:
Welcome <span id="username"></span>
your Email <span id="email"></span>
your report : <%include report.txt%>
<script type="text/javascript">
var user = <%user%>;
for( x in user){
var profile = <%profile%>;
document.getElementById("username").innerHTML = profile.name;
document.getElementById("email").innerHTML = profile.email;
var md = require('templatesjs');
var fs = require('fs');
var http = require('http');
fs.readFile("./public/index.html", function(err,data){
if(err) throw err;
md.dir = "./public/"
var users=["John", "Doe", "Smith"];
var output = md.ren("user",users);
var profile = {name:"John Doe", email:"JohnDoe@smith.com"}
output = md.ren("profile", profile);
npm test