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Render template dynamically , works with any file format including HTML

  • 1.9.9
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  • npm
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Render dynamic data to your template.

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  • Output data with <%%>
  • Output String, Array,
  • Format Output
  • UPPERCASE, Capitalized, Lowercase Output
  • Include
  • Custom delimiters (e.g., use <# #> instead of <% %>)
  • Sync and Async versions of all vailable functiond

###New in 2.0.0

  • renderAll() : render all variable in one declaration
  • renderAllSync() : Sync version of renderAll()
  • Sync And Async versions of all available functions

###Changes Made in 2.0.0

  • render(),set() requires callback functions .
  • Use renderSync() and setSync() without callbacks which will behave like render() and set() of earlier versions.
  • use delim as a variable instead of function delim()

Table of contents:


$ npm install templatesjs  

Using git

$ git clone  


Example html :

		Hello <%name%>



	var data = templatesjs.renderSync("name", "John Doe");


	templatesjs.render("name", "John Doe", function(err,data){
		if(err) //Handle err
		//Output the data

Output :
Hello John Doe

Multiple variables

Example html :

		Hello <%firstname%> <%lastname%> 



	var data = templatesjs.renderSync("firstame", "John");
	data = templatesjs.renderSync("lastname", "Doe");  


	templatesjs.render("firstname", "John", function(err,data){  
		if(err) //Handle err  
		templatesjs.render("lastname", "Doe", function(err,data){  
			if(err) //Handle err  
			//Output the data  

The function render() looks good when working with one or two dynamic data(s). But it will become a nightmare for larger amount. Imagine ten or fifteen dynamic variables to render. That's why in vesion 2.0.0 introducing the function renderAll()

the same of the above can be done like this:


	var list = {
	templatesjs.renderAll(list, function(err,data){
		if(err) //handle the err
		//output the data


	var list = {
	var data =templatesjs.renderAll(list);
	// Output the data;  

##Set Data :

Suppose that we have to work with this : (index.html)

	<html >
		Hello Dear <%username%> <br />
		You email : <%email%> <br />

here we will walk through a complete example from reading a file to output it.

	//assume that you have a request for index.html
	fs.readFile("./index.html", function(err,data){
		if(err) throw err;
		//we have to set the file to templatesjs to work with
		//do this once for each file, templatesjs work with the data you set
		templatesjs.set(data, function(err,data){
			if(err) throw err;
			//now use your favourite function to render 
			var list = {
				username:"John Doe",
				email : ""
			templatesjs.renderAll(list, function(err,data){
				if(err) throw err;

there is a Sync version of set() which is setSync() with only one parameter the data.


render("keyword","value", cb)  
    keyword - [REQUIRED] - the keyword of the tag (e.g.: `user` if the tag is `<%user%>`);  
    Value - [REQUIRED] - the value of the keyword (e.g.: `John` for variable/keyword `user`);  
    cb - [REQUIRED] - a callback to be fired once the changes have been made. If cb is not specified, an error will be thrown.
        err - First parameter to the callback detailing any errors.
        data - the processed data with changes made in it.

    keyword - [REQUIRED] - the keyword of the tag (e.g.: `user` if the tag is `<%user%>`);
    Value - [REQUIRED] - the value of the keyword (e.g.: `John` for variable/keyword `user`);

renderAll(list, cb)
    list - [REQUIRED] - an object with the list of variable to render, variable names as property and values as property value;
    cb - [REQUIRED] - a callback to be fired once the changes have been made. If cb is not specified, an error will be thrown.
        err - First parameter to the callback detailing any errors.
        data - the processed data with changes made in it.

renderAllSync(list, cb)
    list - [REQUIRED] - an object with the list of variable to render, variable names as property and values as property value;

set(data, cb)
    data - [REQUIRED] - the data to work with (e.g.: data read from index.html)
    cb - [REQUIRED] - a callback to be fired once the changes have been made. If cb is not specified, an error will be thrown.
        err - First parameter to the callback detailing any errors.
        data - the processed data with changes made in it.

    data - [REQUIRED] - the data to work with (e.g.: data read from index.html)
Look here for [Shorthands for functions](#shorthands-for-functions)

#Detail Usage You can render view using four diiferent functions render(), renderSync(), renderAll(), renderAllSync(). read a file, set the data using set() and render it using you favourite one.

We will Walk through examples for each data type and diiferent cases to handle them.

##string Use <% %> to use rendered data in HTML page

examle HTML(index.html)
		HELLO <%firstname%> <%lastname%>

here we will replace the <%user%> tag with John Doe;

in node.js file


	var templatesjs = require('templatesjs');
	fs.readFile("./index.html", function(err,data){
		if(err) throw err
		templatesjs.setSync(data);	//set the data to work with
		var output = templatesjs.renderSync("firstname", "John");
		output = templatesjs.renderSync("lastname", "Doe");


	var templatesjs = require('templatesjs');
	fs.readFile("./index.html", function(err,data){
		if(err) throw err
		templatesjs.set(data, function(err,data){
			if(err) throw err;
			templatesjs.render("firstname", "John", function(err,data){
				if(err) throw err;
				templatesjs.render("lastname", "Doe", function(err,data){
					if(err) throw err;
					res.end(); // or Do something else with the data

Async Using renderAll()

	var templatesjs = require('templatesjs');
	var list = {
	fs.readFile("./index.html", function(err,data){
		if(err) throw err
		templatesjs.set(data, function(err,data){
			if(err) throw err;
			templatesjs.renderAll(list, function(err,data){
				if(err) throw err;
				res.end(); // or Do something else with the data

Sync Using renderAllSync()

	var templatesjs = require('templatesjs'); 
	var list = {  
	var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");  
	var output = templatesjs.renderAllSync(list);  

this will print "HELLO John Doe" on the browser instead of hello <%user%>

templatesjs work with the data you set using set(). It modifies the data and returns the modified data.
It will all <%firstname%> tags in the data with "John" and return the data.


we can also render array or object value as

		HELLO <>

in node.js file


	var profile = {name:"John Doe",age:"18"};
	var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");
	data = templatesjs.renderSync("user", profile);

this will print "HELLO John Doe"


	var profile = {name:"John Doe",age:"18"};
	var data = fs.readFile("./index.html", function(err,data){
		templatesjs.set(data, function(err,data){
			if(err) //Do something with the error;
			templatesjs.render("user", profile, function(err,data){
				if(err) // Do something with the err
				//Output the data

Templatesjs won't render the object profile to the page,
it will only relace the <> with the name property of profile object.


for array:

		HELLO <%user[0]%>

in node.js file


	var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");
	var profile =["John Doe", "18"];
	data = templatesjs.renderSync("user", profile);


	var profile =["John Doe", "18"];
	var data = fs.readFile("./index.html", function(err,data){
		templatesjs.set(data, function(err,data){
			if(err) //Do something with the error;
			templatesjs.render("user", profile, function(err,data){
				if(err) //Do something with the error;
				//output the data

this will print "HELLO John Doe"

loop through array

or all values of an array :

		HELLO <%user[]%>

in node.js file


	var profile =["John Doe", "18"];
	var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");

	data = templatesjs.renderSync("user", profile);


	var data = fs.readFile("./index.html", function(err,data){
		var profile =["John Doe", "18"];
		templatesjs.set(data, function(err,data){
			if(err) //Do something with the error;
			templatesjs.render("user", profile, function(err,data){
				if(err) // do something with the error
				//output the data

this will print "HELLO John Doe18"

loop through specific index of array

all array values starting from an index to another one

		HELLO <%user[2,5]%> 
		**in the bracket the first number indicates the index 
		**from where the values should start and the
		** second one indicates the index of stopping point

in node.js file


	var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");
	var profile =["John", "Doe", "18", "hello", "world", "JS"];
	data = templatesjs.renderSync("user", profile);


	var data = fs.readFile("./index.html", function(err,data){
	var profile =["John", "Doe", "18", "hello", "world", "JS"];
		templatesjs.set(data, function(err,data){
			if(err) //Do something with the error;
			templatesjs.render("user", profile, function(err,data){
				if(err) // Do something with the error
				//Output the data

this will print "18helloworldJS"

A loop will be performed which will start form user[2] and finish on `user[5]'. No whitespace will be added before or after the values.

format of output

suppose that we want a for each loop through our array values using templatesjs it can be done like

		<%user[] {<a href='user/*'>*</a>}%>  
			**specify the format in curly braces
			** all "*" sign will be replaced by the actual
			**value with the format specified around it
			**remember not to use " inside the tag, use ' instead.

in node.js file


	var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");
	var profiles =["John", "Doe"]
	data = templatesjs.renderSync("user", profiles)


	var data = fs.readFile("./index.html", function(err,data){
	var profile =["John", "Doe"];
		templatesjs.set(data, function(err,data){
			if(err) //Do something with the error;
			templatesjs.render("user", profile, function(err,data){
				if(err) // Do something with the error
				//Output the data

output : <a href="user/John">John</a> <a href="user/Doe">Doe</a>

A loop will be performed and values will be added inside the specified format
replacing all "*" with actual value. I foyu want a Linebreak at the end of every link
you must specify the format as {<a href="user/*">*</a> <br />}

for a loop through specified indexes of an array in specified format
		<%user[2,4] {<a href='user/*'>*</a>}%>  
		// not double quotes, I repeat. 

in node.js file


	var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");
	var profiles =["John", "Doe", "foo", "bar", "example"]
	data = templatesjs.renderSync("user", profiles)


	var data = fs.readFile("./index.html", function(err,data){
	var profiles =["John", "Doe", "foo", "bar", "example"]
		templatesjs.set(data, function(err,data){
			if(err) //Do something with the error;
			templatesjs.render("user", profiles, function(err,data){
				if(err) // Do something with the error
				//Output the data

output : <a href="user/foo">foo</a> <a href="user/bar">bar</a> <a href="user/example">ecample</a>

or specify format for only one array index if you want
		<%user[2] {<a href='user/*'>*</a>}%>  

in node.js file


	var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");
	var profiles =["John", "Doe", "foo", "bar", "example"]
	data = templatesjs.renderSync("user", profiles)


	var data = fs.readFile("./index.html", function(err,data){
	var profiles =["John", "Doe", "foo", "bar", "example"]
		templatesjs.set(data, function(err,data){
			if(err) //Do something with the error;
			templatesjs.render("user", profiles, function(err,data){
				if(err) // Do something with the error
				//Output the data

output : <a href="user/foo">foo</a>

Specify case

specify output to be UPPERCASE or Capitalized or lowercase

you can specify whether the output will be in UPPERCASE, lowercase, Capitalized using a third optional "style" param in the templatesjs.render() function

the case param supports three values "CASE", "Case", or "case"

  • "CASE" : for UPPERCASE output;
  • "Case" : for Capitalized output
  • "case" : for lowercase output
	UPPERCASE: <%uUser%> <br />
	Capitalized: <%cUser%> <br />
	lowercase: <%lUser%> <br />

in node.js file


	var data = fs.readFileSync("./index.html");
	data = templatesjs.renderSync("uUser", "john", "CASE") 
	// "CASE" for UPPERCASE output
	data = templatesjs.renderSync("cUser", "doE", "Case") 
	// "Case" for Capitalized output
	data = templatesjs.renderSync("l/user", "SMith", "Case") 
	// "case" for lowercase output


	var data = fs.readFile("./index.html", function(err,data){
	var profiles =["John", "Doe", "foo", "bar", "example"]
		templatesjs.set(data, function(err,data){
			if(err) //Do something with the error;
			templatesjs.render("uUser", "John","CASE", function(err,data){
				if(err) // Do something with the error
				templatesjs.render("cUser", "doE", "Case", function(err,data){
					if(err) // Do something with the error
					templatesjs.render("lUser", "SMith", "case", function(err,data){
						if(err) // Do something with the error
						//output the data

output : UPPERCASE: JOHN ; Capitalized: Doe; lowercase: smith;

Any value for the style parameter other than "CASE", "Case" or "case" will produce an error message on the console
and consider the value of style as undefined.

NOTE: Output Styles can't be specified using renderAll() or renderAllSync() .

Include file

templatesjs also has an include feature which can be used to include file or template parts just use the <%include%> tag in your file

		<%include header.html%>
		<h3>Header is above</h3>
		<h1>content goes here : </h1>
		<%include posts/content.html%> 
		// the file is in ./post/ directory you can also 
		//use templatesjs.dir variable to set default
		<h2>footer is below</h2>
		<%include footer.html%>

no need to render anything in the node.js file, the files will be rendered automatically when you set data using templatesjs.set() function;

The include function gets invoked when you set the data for template. It will look for every file specified inside <%inlude %> tag and replace the tag with Data read from those files. Because include is performed at the very beginning you can render data inside those included files as well If file not found an error will be thrown.

Set default directory

before you set data for templatesjs using the templatesjs.set() function you can set the default directory where templatesjs will look for files it needs to include ;

suppose that we have all our html files in the "public" directory

in node.js file

	 templatesjs.dir = "./public/";

the default directory (if needed to be set) must be set before setting the data using set().

delimiter sign

Don't like to use the "%" sign to define tags in html page you can change them :D :D :D

in node.js file

	// you can use any sign like ["!@#$%^&*"] or 
	//any combination like "#@" or "%$" or "*&" or "*!" 

In 1.2.12 or older versions delim was a function used like `templatesjs.delim("#");

Shorthands for functions

are function names too long? Shorthands are availabe :D :D :D

functions can also be used as :

  • render() : ren() r() rn

  • renderSync() : renSync() rSync() rnSync

  • renderAll() : renAll() rAll() rnAll() rnall() renall() rall()

  • renderAll() : renAllSync() rAllSync() rnAllSync() rnallSync() renallSync() rallSync()

  • set() : s() setData() sd() setdata()

  • setSync() : sSync() setDataSync() sdSync() setdataSync()


     $ npm test

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Package last updated on 25 Aug 2017

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