Use Node.js to generate Terraform plan.
You do not need to have Terraform installed to use this module.
The end result of using this module is Terraform plan in plain text, you will need to write the text into a file and execute it yourself.
Currently support generating plan for Terraform version 0.11 and 0.12.
This module is still in development and testing phase, it might not work fully correctly. Feel free to report issues/bugs, make requests or give suggesstions in GitHub page.
Make use of all Javascript programming features (some of which is not available in Terraform), e.g. functions, array, loops, if-else, map, etc. to generate a plain Terraform plan.
You can easily maintain your infra in Javascript/Typescript.
You don't need to use Terraform variables, you can use your own Javascript/JSON variables or use dot env.
You don't need to use Terraform modules for reusable resource creations, you can make use of Javascript functions.
The generated plan is unformatted and its validity is not verified, use terraform fmt
and terraform plan
to format it and check its validity yourself.
Install via NPM
npm install terraform-generator
Initiate TerraformGenerator
const tfg = new TerraformGenerator({ version: '0.12' });
Block's arguments are not typed, please refer to official Terraform documentation on what arguments can be supplied.
tfg.addProvider('aws', {
region: 'ap-southeast-1',
profile: 'example'
const vpc = tfg.addResource('aws_vpc', 'vpc', {
cidr_block: ''
Argument Types
string: 'str',
number: 123,
boolean: true,
stringList: ['str1', 'str2', 'str3'],
numberList: [111, 222, 333],
booleanList: [true, false, true],
tuple: ['str', 123, true],
object: {
arg1: 'str',
arg2: 123,
arg3: true
objectList: [
arg1: 'str'
arg1: 'str'
map: new Map({
arg1: 'str',
arg2: 123,
arg3: true
block: block,
blockAttribute: block.getAttribute('attrName'),
heredoc: new Heredoc(`line1
custom1: new Argument('max(5, 12, 9)'),
custom2: new Argument('sort("a", ', block.getAttribute('attrName'), ', "c")')
import TerraformGenerator, { Provider, Resource, DataSource, Output, Map } from 'terraform-generator';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
const project = 'example';
const configs = {
env: 'dev',
tiers: [
name: 'web',
cidr: '',
subnetCidrs: ['', '', '']
name: 'app',
cidr: '',
subnetCidrs: ['', '', '']
name: 'db',
cidr: '',
subnetCidrs: ['', '', '']
const getAvailabilityZone = (i: number): string => {
if (i === 0) {
return 'ap-southeast-1a';
} else if (i === 1) {
return 'ap-southeast-1b';
} else {
return 'ap-southeast-1c';
const getTagName = (type: string, name?: string): string =>
`${type}-${project}-${configs.env}${name ? `-${name}` : ''}`;
const getTags = (type: string, name?: string): Map => new Map({
Name: getTagName(type, name),
Project: project,
Env: configs.env
const tfg = new TerraformGenerator({ version: '0.12' });
tfg.addProvider('aws', {
region: 'ap-southeast-1',
profile: 'example'
const vpc = tfg.addDataSource('aws_vpc', 'vpc', {
filter: [{
name: 'tag:Name',
values: [getTagName('vpc')]
const subnets = {
web: [],
app: [],
db: []
configs.tiers.forEach(tier => {
tier.subnetCidrs.forEach((cidr, i) => {
const name = `${tier.name}${i}`;
const subnet = tfg.addResource('aws_subnet', `subnet_${name}`, {
vpc_id: vpc.getAttribute('id'),
cidr_block: cidr,
availability_zone: getAvailabilityZone(i),
tags: getTags('subnet', name)
tfg.addOutput('subnets', {
value: new Map({
webSubnets: subnets.web.map(subnet => subnet.getAttribute('id')),
appSubnets: subnets.app.map(subnet => subnet.getAttribute('id')),
dbSubnets: subnets.db.map(subnet => subnet.getAttribute('id'))
const outputPath = path.join('output', configs.env, 'subnets', 'terraform.tf');
fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, tfg.generate());