What is thriftrw?
The thriftrw npm package is a Thrift IDL (Interface Definition Language) compiler and runtime for JavaScript. It allows you to define data types and service interfaces in Thrift IDL and then generate JavaScript code to serialize, deserialize, and handle these types and services.
What are thriftrw's main functionalities?
Serialization and Deserialization
This feature allows you to serialize and deserialize Thrift objects. The code sample demonstrates how to define a Thrift struct, create an instance of it, serialize it to a buffer, and then deserialize it back to an object.
const Thrift = require('thriftrw').Thrift;
const thrift = new Thrift({source: 'struct User { 1: string name, 2: i32 age }'});
const User = thrift.User;
const user = new User({name: 'Alice', age: 30});
const buffer = User.toBuffer(user);
const deserializedUser = User.fromBuffer(buffer);
Service Interface
This feature allows you to define and implement Thrift service interfaces. The code sample demonstrates how to define a Thrift service, implement it, and call a method on the service.
const Thrift = require('thriftrw').Thrift;
const thrift = new Thrift({source: 'service UserService { User getUser(1: i32 id) } struct User { 1: string name, 2: i32 age }'});
const UserService = thrift.UserService;
const userService = new UserService({
getUser: function (id, callback) {
callback(null, new thrift.User({name: 'Alice', age: 30}));
userService.getUser(1, (err, user) => {
if (err) throw err;
Other packages similar to thriftrw
The 'thrift' npm package is the official Apache Thrift library for JavaScript. It provides similar functionalities to thriftrw, including serialization, deserialization, and service interface handling. However, thriftrw is designed to be more lightweight and faster, focusing on runtime performance and ease of use.
The 'node-thrift' package is another implementation of the Thrift protocol for Node.js. It offers similar features such as serialization, deserialization, and service interface support. Compared to thriftrw, node-thrift is more mature and widely used in production environments, but it may not be as performant or easy to use as thriftrw.
thrift encoding/decoding using bufrw
var thriftrw = require("thriftrw");
var bufrw = require('bufrw');
var struct = new thriftrw.TStruct();
new thriftrw.TField(thriftrw.TYPE.STRING, 1, new Buffer('hello')
var buf = bufrw.toBuffer(thriftrw.TStructRW, struct);
console.log('created a binary buffer of thrift encoded struct', buf);
var struct2 = bufrw.fromBuffer(thriftrw.TStructRW, buf);
console.log('created a TStruct from a binary buffer', struct2);
npm install thriftrw
npm test
NPM scripts
npm run add-licence
This will add the licence headers.npm run cover
This runs the tests with code coveragenpm run lint
This will run the linter on your codenpm test
This will run the tests.npm run trace
This will run your tests in tracing mode.npm run travis
This is run by travis.CI to run your testsnpm run view-cover
This will show code coverage in a browser
MIT Licenced